Uke is the one that made seme warm up to him and kept leading him on giving him false hope. He should’ve cut things off as soon as he learned that seme liked him romantically. Uke was selfish.
Now, seme is batshit crazy! There were times were I kinda was rooting for him since he was murdered.. but he is crazy.
Both of the characters are victims and really shouldn’t be dating. They don’t even love each other. Seme doesn’t know how/what love really is and is obsessed with the one person to be kind to him. Uke just wanted someone to boost his ego after being dumped.

Remember the golden retriever solider guy from a couple chapters ago?? Can she please just live a peaceful life with him?
Heiner is mentally unstable and clearly suffering from ongoing trauma. I don’t hate him, but he and Annette are much too toxic together. Heiner doesn’t know how to love properly bc he’s never received proper love and has always been betrayed. Realistically, he is not fit to be a husband or a partner rn and maybe forever.
Annette was ignorant and sheltered, but that wasn’t entirely her fault and she didn’t deserve to be punished bc of Heiner’s complex logic and view on their relationship and Anette as a person. Heiner revered her as a God and created a false image of her, that he’s now just realizing wasn’t true. She’s not some goddess that is fragile and untouchable, she’s a normal human being that was just born more privileged than most.
I usually always want the ml and fl to end up together, even if the ml is a jerk… but this time I think both of them need to end up separate. They are both victims and they need to heal away from each other…

If they were real people, sure. But this is a story. They’re all characters created to make them more interesting. I always wonder about the people who read these dramatic webtoons who aren’t fans of darker characters or problematic MLs and are bothered by them ending up together, their redemption arc, or wish the FL would end up with someone else? It’s literally called ‘My Beloved Opressor”.

I am a fan of darker stories and toxic ml’s. Because this story is so realistic and I actually am invested in the characters, I think that REALISTICALLY they shouldn’t end up together.
My opinion is formed from my interest and love of the story. Just because I have a different opinion from you, doesn’t mean I don’t like the story. Instead of trying to put a false narrative on my comment, simply dislike it and move on.

I’m not forming a false narrative on your comment, I’m replying with a very tame comment with a different opinion. I also never said you didn’t love the story so I don’t know where you got that from?
Hoping she gets with a random side character is fine and you’re welcome to do that. I just find it interesting to hope or beg (“ Can she please just live a peaceful life with him?”) she get with a side character she isn’t interested in at all because it’s somehow better for her. Or wanting her not to end up with Heiner, a scarred character, when the title is ‘My Beloved Oppressor’.

I get what you’re saying, and I do understand the title and themes of the story. I enjoy dark and complex narratives, which is exactly why I’m invested in these characters. My thoughts aren’t about forcing a different ending but about what I personally think would be realistically better for them. I know the story will likely go in a certain direction, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have my own take on it. We just see it differently, and that’s fine.
Also, people rooting for someone other than the ML isn’t surprising when the author has introduced good suitors who treat Annette well. That contrast exists for a reason—whether to highlight the ML’s flaws, show the FL’s devotion, or create jealousy. But when even characters in the story acknowledge how harmful Heiner is to Annette, it makes sense that some readers would hope for a different outcome despite knowing how futile it is.

Like I said, you’re welcome to want her to go with one of the side characters! I wouldn’t go as far to say they’re good suitors since we barely know anything about them. I think the soldier guy we mention hasn’t even been in a handful of episodes? so I can’t say he’d be good for her. For all we know, they’re even crazier than the ML.
But, like I mentioned before, I wasn’t saying you couldn’t do that. Just that I found it interesting people ship her with NPCs we don’t know about or, not saying you particularly, some people hoping she gets with someone else when the completed novel shows who she ends up with or the title kind of summing up what ride we’ll be going all. No worries.

I called it a while ago that he was gonna do something stupid that will hinder Mc and make Mc clean up the mess. Your boyfriend left you and is now married! He’s a big boy, he made that choice. Sure, that woman is awful and he probably doesn’t enjoy being with her.. but that’s HIS CHOICE. If he really loved the brother then he’d stay with him. They both make bank as strippers he didn’t really need the girl.
And ml is stupid asf. Mc should leave all of these fake ppl and start anew.

Read chapter 1 of this awhile ago, then read the last two today. I found it endearing at first and funny but the goal is to make them a poly couple?!? Dad and son?! WHAT.
The old man is ugly and has a bad attitude, Mc is awful, and son should’ve stayed married to that woman tbh or just found someone else.
This is meant to be humorous but I don’t find it funny at all. Just disturbing and cringe. Yuck.

If you have raws please tell me either here or pm me please!! I’m desperate.
Also, I’m pretty sure that he’s returned back into the og past he was already in. If this was a new universe where ml didn’t know him, then what’s the point of ageing them up and starting essentially back at chapter 1? I’m assuming Han Maru was presumed dead because he’s been missing for a couple years and ml is skeptical. Also, didn’t they set it up as Han maru betrayed ml? The guy framed him I believe..

They have some spoilers

I have for you: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/18433455/
I look forward to Tuesday just for this.. hopefully the author/artist(?) is ok.