Can someone tell me who the final pairings are? I waited for it to be completed so I wouldn’t have to live through the stress of not knowing who ends up with who. My heart just can’t take it lol

For first couple,
Minki (uke) x taeyoung (seme)
I'm not sure if the second couple really ended up together or not because in credit, the author mentioned about "open" ending for wonho and eunwoo.
Wonho (uke) x eunwoo (seme)

End couples are:
Minki & Taeyoung
Wonho & Eunwoo

I’m on chapter 22. Does the translator ever stop putting her little notes under the boxes? I always find those t/n’s really distracting when they aren’t actually relevant to the story or dialogue

Damn okay. Yeah for me it’s kinda like I’m watching a tv show with a lot of dialogue for the first time and someone won’t stop talking over it. What they’re saying might be interesting but I’d rather hear it at the end. I have a sister who does that and eventually I give up and just pause the show so she can get it all out in one go....and then she does it again 2 minutes later ┗( T﹏T )┛
Now I only watch things I’ve already seen with her so that we can both talk over it lol. Thanks for replying!

Oh yeah I’m definitely sticking with this story. I just finished season 1 and it’s great. I only needed to know if the t/ns were for the first 30ish chapters like usual or if it would continue all the way through. It’s easier to ignore them if I know they aren’t going away. If I expect them then I know not to read below the panel and to move onto the next panel to avoid being distracted

I enjoyed the story, I really only have one complaint. Every panel was so small but zoomed into one part of their bodies. One person per panel or just the feet or just the lower half of their faces, or just their chests. Sex scenes were just lightsabers. Like watching everything uncomfortably zoomed in I didn’t even know what was happening sometimes. I’m guessing it was the mangakas way to avoid drawing any detailed backgrounds or any backgrounds at all but I didn’t like it.
It was cute and fun but stories like this are why I’m afraid to buy anything from Renta lol. I would be so annoyed if I convinced myself to spend $5+ for a story and this was what I got. So so rushed.