tbh i dont like either of them but i like the first fem better. the other girl is just annoying as hell, holy shit i cant stand her LMAO
idk i feel like she should go do her goddamn research first instead of using him as a test dummy and having the first girl tell her everything. you KNOW what to look up. you can LEARN how to do it. but dont go around using HIM as your practice dummy and keep doing it on YOURSELF instead ugly bitch
shes not ugly or anything im just angry tbh

i thought brother xu was actually his brother until just now. reading him saying hes so gay for orange man and then being like "WAIT I THOUGHT THEY WERE BROTHERS" is not a great moment for me

okay what I wrote might be misleading as it is not old people but like a term of endearment for friends and close ones (it's "hyung" for male friends and "Annie" for female) and often they address someone with that when the certain person is older than them or they want to show them respect (like f.e. when someone pays for the bills they be like "thanks hyung" or "let this hyung feet the bill").

as someone who finds it hard to be brought to tears, let alone gneuine sobs out loud [my crying is usually extremely quiet/silent due to trauma and circumstances], i am out loud sobbing with tears running down my face and snot and shit.
this made me cry. so so hard. and i just. god, fuck. im going to vomit from crying so much. spoilers below probavbly but i dont know. for fucks fucking sake read this please.
i was listening to mr loverman on repeat while listenign to this and it just fits so well. im sobbing so fucking hard right now. when she died and they didnt understand eachother andin the end he got happiness i just. i cried. so hard. especially at the girls story, and how she just wanted happiness and peace, and they were so close. so close. and she almost got it but then she died and i just. im so fucked up right now ohmy god. its almost 1 am oh my god. i cant do this i cant do this im going to lay herer and sob again for the next few hours and stim ok im crying oh my god im goign to hug my mcat

honestly i love these two just because of how fucked up it is. its unhealthy obviously, but i feel like if yeonwu put his foot down and if he stood up for himself and stepped away from taehwan its totally plausible he'd realize hes a major disgusting human being and work on fixing himself.
im not saying taehwan deserves redemption or anything, i kind of dont like him tbh. but i do think its completely possible they could lead on a healthier relationship, or just fuckbuddy thing, if they just TALKED. obviously at this point yeonwu wont because hes okay as long as hes being fucked by taehwan and taehwan is too much of a douchebag to even consider it, but hopefully in the future its resolved, yk?
nvm.. im not reading this mfg,, shits boring as hell first of all and the poses are so stiff, idk it just looks so creepy and not.. right? idk. im good though bye yall
btw the tongues just CREEPY egh