Give me a yaoi that can hurt me, I just got played and I wanna bawl my eyes out

Careful with this one, it'll make u cry. Stay strong, fam. <3

Oh trust me you will cry:

I didn't get the college/university that I wanted. In fact, I got nothing aside from a matriculation college that I'm still unsure to go or not. My friends around me are celebrating since they got universities and everything while I'm stuck here. I'm super freaking hurt and I'm so sad. I've done nothing except crying for the whole day and wondering about my future.
I'm sorry for rambling here. I just need to let it out :"(

unnecessary to follow what ur friends are pursuing, focus on what u want to do and how to achieve it. if matriculation can still help u to get the degree of ur interest then grab the opportunity. it's only for a year and u will get allowance too. no pain, no gain.
but if ur financial status allows, then u can apply for private universities.
dont let others decide ur life, its not like everyone is taking the same path. let the world revolve around u

Don't worry. You don't have to be pressured just because your friends was accepted. You might not be for the one that you chosen but who knows?.... There will be a great future ahead of you. A better plans for you. Just keep on doing what you really wanted to do. Follow your heart.

I've just finished my Form 6 and I'd like to let you know that I've got a tons of friends in Matriculation and not only did they get into university faster than me, they also got in easier and they seem happy with it! So don't be sad that you got matriculation! Form 6 is also an option but be forewarned that you really need to work your ass off on this path. I have friends who tried the Form 6 path but dropped out after the 1st/2nd semester because they didn't feel it was right for them. It's alright to explore your choices! Taking a gap year is also optional! Getting some work experience under your belt before striving for your studies again is also not a bad option as well.

I didn't said I'm following my friends. I was sad because I didn't get the university that I wanted which also includes a course that I wanted. They got the course that they wanted which is why I envied them. I'm more into literature and going into a matriculation college means that my dreams in taking literature would be over. Plus, I got the 2 year program. And I'm so bad with numbers. I don't even understand why I got matrics when my Add Math is 'E'.
*sigh* Guess I jusf have to brace myself and be ready to meet numbers again

Yup, I've heard that science stream for Form 6 is like super duper hard lol. I might as well take the "kemanusiaan" stream in Form 6 but I still don't know what to do. Plus, my parents are kinda urging me to accept the matriculation offer. Thank you so much for your advice tho, it really means a lot to me :)

Matrics are cool. altho i turned down matric for form 6, but its still cool. if your friend got universities, i believe they got into the foundation (asasi) or diploma. both of it got their own perks but still, matric life are cool. i got few friends from matrics and they really love their time there. you should give it a try! and from matric, if u do well, u can go to renowned universities. it doesnt matter, am from form 6 and now overseas already pursuing my master.

Yup, most of my friends got diploma. I've heard a lot of things about matrics. Both bad and good things. Tbh, I don't even know why I got matrics when my spm result was not even that good. I was expecting Form 6 but then *sigh*. I really wish I could still pursue my studies in literature since it seems like that's where my heart and brain lies lol. But then, going into matrics might as well change that and maybe I'll fall in love with numbers again. Who knows.
I'll just take this as a challenge and do the best.
And woww, you're studying overseas! That must be super exciting. What course are you taking right now?

Well, if i may say, its better for u to go into matric, its only for a year? Like foundation? (Idk, back in my time it was only a year but my younger cousin went for two years idk why) while in diploma u need to spend three years (but u got advantages on the experience compared to form 6/matric because diploma got practical and all). So u can pursue your degree faster than those in diploma. Have u talk to your school counselor? Trust me, they'll explain better. But if u like literature, go for it. I was from the art stream in form 6 before pursuing my degree in tesl. Most of my friends from matrics are pursuing engineering, and lab works (biology/chemistry/physics) and seems like they're having some promising future lol.
Currently in aussie, finishing my master in curriculum development for tesl. You see, its okay do take your time on your ride. We're still young, we can always do a uturn if we want to

Yup, that's why I'm so nervous about accepting this offer since I know my ability and I really doubt I can survive all those numbers and calculations there. I got science stream and unfortunately, there's no technical stream in Perak Matriculation College. And accounts... urghhh. I just don't know what to do.
And I already applied for rayuan earlier but I'm still nervous because if I still don't any offer from the rayuan, I'd have to stay in matrics since I got no other place to study
I'll just try my best in matrics and pray that my rayuan will be accepted.

I actually got the 2 year program in matrics because of my Add Maths lol. I've already messaged my school counselor earlier and hopefully she'll reply soon because I'm kinda going crazy here lol. I actually wanted to get Foundation in TESL, it has been my dream since forever but then I didn't get it and it felt like my heart stopped for a while after reading the "dukacitanya, anda tidak berjaya" when checking my upu earlier . It totally crushed my heart.
I've already applied for a rayuan earlier for diploma in bahasa inggeris in upsi and I still don't know if I'd get it but I'll be staying in matrics while waiting for the result to be out. Let's just hope I'll get it. But if I don't, I will do my best in matrics and still keep literature as my hobby :')

no, please reconsider about replacing literature as a hobby.
u kno when i took matriculation, i went for module 3 bc i enjoyed biology so much during highschool. i hated math, but it didn't really affect me. but after i ended matriculation, i realised that i enjoyed bio but i never wanted it as my career job. so in uni, i decided to pursue bachelor in business instead (i wanted psychology but it didn't work out neither). did i said i hated math? yeah after studying business for 3 years, i realised math is my mortal enemy. i had enough of them, i had no interest to learn about them and i only did bc it was compulsory. i have dissertation this year, and i have zero motivation to make an effort. in between those 3 years in uni, i actually realise that i want to learn language, and actually intending to make is my career in the future. but right now i have to graduate before i gain my freedom again u__u

my conclusion is, if u already sorted what u want to do at such an early stage then it gives u a huge advantage. i only realised math is my mortal enemy after learning it in accounting for three years. i really want to praise myself for not dropping out till now TT___TT i always been interested to learn a foreign language since i was in high school but i never had exposure about them (all my circles are pursuing science stream) so i thought if i really like them, yeah sure why not as hobby. i can still enjoy them while i go stab my eyes with these math formulas... hahaha i regretted that.
i hope ur school counselor can help u sorted out a solution for this (i dont have anyone who is pursuing literature to ask for advice). goodluck

Thank you so much for your advices! It really means a lot especially since right now I'm still in a confused state. I really don't know what to do because matrics is my only choice that I have rn. Literature has always been my passion and I feel like applying a diploma in TESL for the rayuan but then at the same time I heard that you can only be a teacher if you pursue that course and I really don't want to be an educator. Idk why but maybe because I suck at teaching ppl.
And I really love Bio too, it's the only subject in the science stream that I enjoy learning. That's why I feel like taking module 3 in matrics too. I'm just really worried about Maths and Chemistry right now since both subjects are compulsory in matrics yet I really suck at them *sigh*
Please pray for me that my rayuan will be accepted because then I'd be able to study what I love which is literature. If not, I'll still try the second intake for uitm. I'm never giving up in pursuing what I love.

Can someone tell me why Harada's works are so popular? I mean, I'm not judging or anything but most of her works consist of rape and dark things and it's almost scary for me to read it lol. I can read some rape scenes in some mangas but not Harada because it's just too extreme for me huhu. Sorry if I offend anyone btw.

Because "most of her works consist of rape and dark things" that they are popular ? You just answered your own question ╮(╯▽╰)╭

a lot of us are fans of dark stories, and she makes them really well.
for me everything seems real, that's why i love her, characters don't seem 2D.
and her works are pretty original.
and about rape and abuse - in her stories, it's presented as it is, ugly and scary, not like most other mangas. (no shade for other authors, i read all kind of stories :D)

Here's what I want for Yuri on Ice Season 2 (it hasn't been confirmed yet but we all know it's going to happen sooner or later).
So, Viktor's going to come back as a competitor and also Yuuri's coach at the same time. But then something happened and he injured his leg/ankle (whatever it is) and couldn't perform for the season, and the doctor even said he can never perform again for the rest of his life. And for that, he fell into depression and started avoiding everyone.
He lost his will to live. Everyone encouraged him to get a leg therapy but he just didn't want to do anything anymore. Yuuri blamed himself for the accident and he also started to avoid Viktor because of the guilt. This broke Viktor even more since he thought Yuuri didn't love or regard him as a coach anymore because of his i njury. They got into a cold war for the longest time ever and Yuuri's reputation for the season started falling down.
Yuri (Plisetky) noticed this and he got mad (like he usually is lol) and went on into a full lecture and told Yuuri that he isn't the one to blame for Viktor's injury. The other competitors (Chris, Otabek, Phichit etc etc) also told him the same thing. And Yuuri finally grows some ball and face Viktor. Yuuri wanted Viktor to get the leg therapy but Viktor, who still think that Yuuri hated him now avoid him at all costs.
And this brought us to season 1 where Viktor helped Yuuri to be more confident with himself and succeed in doing that. This time, it's the other way round. Yuuri encouraging Viktor to get the leg therapy and boosting his confidence back.
*imagine Yuuri yelling at Viktor while crying, saying things like "this is not the Viktor that I know!" or something like that, like the way he did during the Cup of China where he cried and yelled to Viktor for saying he will take responsibilty and resign as his coach if Yuuri messed his performance*
And then Viktor finally realized everything and started getting the leg therapy with Yuuri and sometimes some other competitors accompanying him everytime.
They will still show the Grand Prix series along with Viktor's development at the same time.
In the end, Yuuri will win the gold but at the time he was on the podium, Viktor was still receiving his therapy at the hospital so he didn't know thar Yuuri had won the gold.
(note that Viktor is on wheelchair the whole time bcs of his injury and he lives in Hasetsu with Yuuri these whole time)
And so, Yuuri wheeled Viktor to the Hasetsu ice rink, just the two of them, in the middle of the night after he went home to Japan after winning the gold. He skated to his short program and free skate in front of Viktor (who had never watch him perform them before bcs he couldn't follow Yuuri everywhere due to his injury). It was an emotional skate.
Viktor cried watching it because he thought how Yuuri had grow so much during his depression these whole time and how he's so proud of him.
But then, he was shocked and cried even harder when Yuuri pulled out his gold medal and wore it in front of him. The scene ended with Yuuri, on his knees, hugging Viktor who was on the wheelchair and both of them had happy tears on their cheeks :")
There can also be an additional scene where Yuuri was late for Viktor's appointment with the doctor yet when he arrived, he saw Viktor trying to walk (after months of being bounded on the wheelchair) and Viktor smiling to him so widely.
That's it. Lmao that's so long. I love angst and yet I also love happy ending ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Um... I don't think there will be a season 2 for YOI.

Its confirmed. No season 2.

Because, it wouldn't be good as season 1.

What are you talking about people? The productors said that they wanted a second season but that is gonna take a couple of years, but i never read something like "there won't be a second season"... -_-

Idk if it's just me but I really like a bolder uke. And maybe he can be a litlle bit slutty bcs I think that's sexy. And he's also seductive rather than those naive and innocent uke.
Adding to that would be the possesive and protective seme bcs the uke always teases him by making him jealous and it always irks him and got him into a full daddy mode
This just screams a perfect powerful couple to me ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/484/ maybe this helps

these ukes are perfect for you. I only included the sexy, seductive, slutty and sex-loving ones http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/49344/list/

ack this is the right link. http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/43522/
also if you are interested in dominant uke (who climbs up the seme), i'm into that as well http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/44268/

I feel like bawling my eyes out tonight so pls recommend me some sad yaois. Preferably completed one, thanks in advance ^^

For me, these are the mangas that made me cry:
1. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hana_no_miyako_de/
2. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/sakura_gari/
3. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yozora_no_sumikko_de/
4. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/new_york_new_york/
5. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hatsukoi_wa_gunjou_ni_tokeru/
6. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tadayoedo_shizumazu_saredo_naki_mo_sezu/
7. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hybrid_child/
All are completed, also I think no.4 is a shounen ai


This one is ongoing, but there's truckloads of angst and good plot: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tourou_no_ori/
Unrequited love yaoi manga please~
Try my starry sky and Fools by yeongha. Both are more of a BL though
Thanks :)