Stop posting about this site in any of your fcking social media accounts.
This has always been the golden rule.
You read and NEVER tell anyone about it.
nd it’s always the tiktok girls ure saying? be an asshole but be the smart one. yes blame the people who keep mentioning this site in other social media’s, shit blame the whole word but why specify ? why b lowk sexist when u can just blame every person. would u rlly go that far for this damn site? i’m not saying that it’ll benefit me when this site got banned but like rlly? don’t u have a life?
I get your points, but don’t mostly girls read BL? All I’ve ever seen on my FYP was recommendations from girls, never once have I seen a boy. I don’t think they’re trying to be sexist, it’s just how it is. Also, I don’t think they’re targeting all tik t0k girls, just the ones who post the sites name. I honestly don’t think it’s that deep. Not worth fighting over. (Coming from a girl. )
but you’re not? it’s not that hard but you’re doing it? plus it’s not just how it is, it’s just that what u see in your fyp is not everything bc every videos ab BL in my fyp r full of recommendations nd i don’t know if they’re girl or not so i chose not to specify, so why do the same? doesn’t that sound so sexist ? it’s not just how it is, it’s ab your fyp and why is those “fujodanshi
sorry for spamming but i think my reply got cut so here
but you’re not? it’s not that hard but you’re doing it? plus it’s not just how it is, it’s just that what u see in your fyp is not everything bc every videos ab BL in my fyp r full of recommendations nd i don’t know if they’re girl or not so i chose not to specify, so why do the same? doesn’t that sound so sexist ? it’s not just how it is, it’s ab your fyp and why is those “fujodanshi ” in your fyp when the videos you like or save r the preference of your fyp so that does mean it those “tiktok girls” you’re talking ab benefit u in any way? but that’s nonsense so why bother fight ab that whole sentence it’s tiktok’s fault, right? so let’s set that aside nd ask why specify? why specify? what for ? “i see someone w an open mind” why like seeing someone w open minded when you’re clearly not? i’m not fighting nor arguing but asking. why specify ? will that benefit u in any way? blame people not only tiktok girls you’re talking ab. i was asking nd now i’m a mf? u like open minded people but how come you’re not?
One Piece isn't here anymore? What happened?
The page isn't there, but here's the manga chapters
Soyi, it's ok sweetie. Your daddies would still love you even if you don't rank no.1.