I CANT GET OVER THIS ONEEEE!!! GODDAMN FINALLY NO FORCEFUL/CLINGY/NEEDY MLS (don't get me wrong I love a ton of MLs out there) I LOVE a selfish FL that puts herself above everything from love to power, it's a world that's just for her and fuck yeah, I'm all for that world. And these expressions thank you sooooo much
Can someone tell me what exactly happened to her sister? From the looks of it her sister fell for the husband and then found out he was either dating his current wife or just found out he was a player altogether. But! If that's how it is why is she trying to ruin the wife? If that's not her fault, she's also a victim her too. This just seems like some mistress wife bull where the wife finds the mistress and just beats her instead of the husband who also is at fault
I like this ml but don't like how he's not really listening to the FL. I get it's gonna turn into a "I didn't like my name bc it reminded me of my sad past but now that I have you I love my name again" like yes good self-care, but also of course someone will over come some trauma or struggle if you keep forcing it in front of them (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Just call her ellie, mate, it's honestly not that hard
He supposedly loves her and I get all dumb MLs are like this with miscommunication and I'm sure this is a real thing but OMFG IM GOING TO STRANGLE HIM like look at me right now you dumb fuck, has this girl so far since you've been listening to, lied to you? Have you not already seen how people treat her when you're not there? Have you not LITERALLY lived in her shoes??? But Oh! You see scratch marks on the closest, that look just like the ones you've seen, you remember her blooded and broken fingers but what? Her? Being locked up? IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE right?!? You bastard! You don't deserve her and she doesn't deserve this bullshit!
Who is willing to team up with me to kill this ml and replace him with a flirty, smothering and as they usually come overprotective ml? Who's with me!