Second story only good thing of this manga no one should read this manga ever Ok let's start with Akira is the most stupid idiotic character ever written this story juss made me angry beginning till end cuz he was used since the beginning also always got raped by Kyuo everytime also he knew he was being used like his brother and sister and still brought him back after he got hurt I mean hello you was even a killer rapist jerk this not romantic or even happy ending or slice of life or even a nice story juss stupid cuz how can Akira be soo stupid like who want to be with someone that u know only using u till the last page of the story also was going to be used by his father well his father used him till the end he was sooo stupid that forgave him
Is it wrong ? Being stupid ? Then shall we talk about your academic status ? I bet you're no better than me .
Exactly what is so wrong with being stupid, it's not like it bothers you, who, of course, don't care at all about stupid people because you don't like them.
Did you know that sometimes being stupid and just following orders is a good thing?
Did you know that sometimes stupid people do things that would make you go jealous about them?
No, you didn't know that, did you? Of course you don't because if you do, you wouldn't be oh so bitchy about being stupid.
Who am I to judge, one who can't even defy my father.
So have it your way, Smarty .
Tbh i feel the exact same, this is one of the only 2 manga i would never ever read again, the only reason im back here again is coz I'm going through my whole read list to organize them into differemt lists. And i forgot what this was about so i skimmed it quickly. Ugh after I'd finally forgotten it too
Second story only good thing of this manga no one should read this manga ever Ok let's start with Akira is the most stupid idiotic character ever written this story juss made me angry beginning till end cuz he was used since the beginning also always got raped by Kyuo everytime also he knew he was being used like his brother and sister and still brought him back after he got hurt I mean hello you was even a killer rapist jerk this not romantic or even happy ending or slice of life or even a nice story juss stupid cuz how can Akira be soo stupid like who want to be with someone that u know only using u till the last page of the story also was going to be used by his father well his father used him till the end he was sooo stupid that forgave him
Maybe rape f** you up and you have Stockholm Syndrome. It is not stupidly but rape which f** you up mentally. Please do not blame a victim ok. It’s yaoi and fantasy thank goddess it not real but your comment or comments like yours very insensitive you tended to blame victim not abuser.
What is Stockholm syndrome?
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.
With this syndrome, hostages or abuse victims may come to sympathize with their captives. This is the opposite of the fear, terror, and disdain that might be expected from the victims in these situations.
Over the course of time, some victims do come to develop positive feelings toward their captors.
Wow I mean poor Yasu really how can he still be with the jerk asshole of shunji it doesn't matter the shit he went over when he younger doesn't mean he can cheat over and over on Yasu and use him like a toy cone on he even told Yasu that he was a toy even lower than replacement plus he never ever tell or even loves Yasu he still in love with the idiotic Kousei really shunji should juss let Yasu alone but noo he didn't want Yasu to move out and even moved same apartment with Yasu juss cuz he didn't want to lose his toy this manga and couple juss makes someone anyone angry because there's no romance or even drama juss watching a jerk of shunji cheat, hurt and hitting Yasu while juss thinking of kousei cuz he doesn't care if he loses Yasu but his willing to cheat on Yasu while Yasu in the car as long as he doesn't lose kousei. Shunji even sleeps with anyone cuz Yasu is sick a few days this juss a waste of time angry I ever read this about this couple soo many times I hoped Yasu would leave the jerk shunji