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Luenta May 9, 2024 8:41 pm

Omg the ml sucks, I need the fl to finally have enough of his attitude towards her it's addicting to read though. He literally only sees her as a pretty wife, nothing more, and somehow expects her to only ever be obedient and doesn't even try to help her or listen. This poor girl needs to runnnnn

    Meggs May 13, 2024 8:42 am

    No, he is toxic of course, but it's because he DOESN'T see her as just a pretty wife that he is testing her to these extremes. He wants to confirm that she is the same as gladis yet hope's that she isn't. So when she has certain reactions it pleases him, because she is not like gladis. Yet he also understands what he is doing. He just won't stop. It's to the point of how much can she endure until she leaves me kind of thing. And when she does he can say, see you didn't really love me.
    But thats because he already loves her and doesn't want to get hurt, even though he may not realize it himself.
    It's not easy, ppl are complicated and it's not a black and white scenario. I personally don't hate him, i just dont like the way he is behaving but I also understand

    Yanixi May 14, 2024 3:00 pm
    No, he is toxic of course, but it's because he DOESN'T see her as just a pretty wife that he is testing her to these extremes. He wants to confirm that she is the same as gladis yet hope's that she isn't. So wh... Meggs

    Agreed! I also don’t hate him either

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