Takishimalathy January 19, 2021 6:35 pm

Looking for a manhwa about two chefs and in was mad that the other didn’t moan during sex

Takishimalathy December 2, 2017 9:37 pm

Any really good yaoi mangas over ten chapters ?

Takishimalathy March 14, 2017 5:46 pm

So who reads attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin fanfiction? Also what's your favorite shipping in the fandom?

    Aliaa - March 14, 2017 5:50 pm

    Levi and the blonde guy i forgot his name

    Takishimalathy March 14, 2017 5:54 pm
    Levi and the blonde guy i forgot his name Aliaa -


    Anonymous March 14, 2017 5:54 pm
    Levi and the blonde guy i forgot his name Aliaa -


    Mochan March 14, 2017 5:58 pm
    Armin???? @Anonymous


    Mochan March 14, 2017 5:59 pm

    Levi/Eren, ops

    Takishimalathy March 14, 2017 6:02 pm
    Levi/Eren, ops Mochan

    I agree! ( fangirl scream)

    Anonymous March 14, 2017 6:03 pm


    Crimson March 14, 2017 6:41 pm
    Armin???? @Anonymous

    I hope not (⊙…⊙ )

    Crimson March 14, 2017 6:42 pm

    I don't read the fanfictions, but I do read the Dj's and I only read Erwin X Levi

    LovelessLover March 14, 2017 9:13 pm

    I read fan-fiction first thinking it was a legit yaoi series, it wasn't until 1yr ago that I realized it was based on the series a.o.t.

    The dj was levi x erwin, and it started with a flashback of erwin's and kid levi's first meeting. Then levi ended up with erwin's scarf, and erwin took with him a flower that was beside levi. They meet again years later, thinking the other forgot about their fist meeting.

    It was sooo good.(≧∀≦)

    Anonymous March 14, 2017 10:20 pm

    levi and eren

    Anonymous March 14, 2017 10:24 pm

    (=・ω・=) My favorite ship is canon ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Crimson March 14, 2017 11:56 pm
    I read fan-fiction first thinking it was a legit yaoi series, it wasn't until 1yr ago that I realized it was based on the series a.o.t. The dj was levi x erwin, and it started with a flashback of erwin's and ki... LovelessLover

    what is the name? (=・ω・=)

    Takishimalathy March 15, 2017 12:09 am

    I love levi/Eren at first I didn't like the pairing , so I started off with like erwin/eren which slowly developed into levi/eren/erwin which is amazing but unfortunately not a lot of people write in that pairing. so eventually I ended up reading alot of levi/eren and now i absolutely love it ! I even have my own fanfiction I wrote of the pairing

    Takishimalathy March 15, 2017 12:11 am
    I read fan-fiction first thinking it was a legit yaoi series, it wasn't until 1yr ago that I realized it was based on the series a.o.t. The dj was levi x erwin, and it started with a flashback of erwin's and ki... LovelessLover

    lol, do you know what the dj was called

    Whysirius March 15, 2017 1:08 am

    Guess I'm the only one with ErwinxMike then XD

    hyaeno March 15, 2017 10:22 am

    Jean and Marco because im still stuck in the past and cant let go

    LovelessLover March 15, 2017 9:02 pm
    what is the name? (=・ω・=) Crimson

    I totally forgot what it was.

    LovelessLover March 15, 2017 9:04 pm
    lol, do you know what the dj was called Takishimalathy

    I can't remember. ARGH! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Aliaa - March 16, 2017 10:28 am


Takishimalathy February 20, 2017 6:59 pm

Ok so , if you wake up to your lover/partner having sex with you , without your consent( because you were sleeping ). How do you feel about that ?

    Ducks are Nice February 20, 2017 7:24 pm

    I'd fu*king slap them. Although they are my lover, that's considered rape and they need to understand boundaries. After that, I'd have a talk with them about why they were doing that, if they understood that it was bad, and what we could've done to prevent something like that happening again. If they believe too strongly that what they did was justified then I'd break up with them.

    9234 February 20, 2017 7:28 pm

    Pretty pissed off honestly. It'd be like they betrayed my trust and didn't care about me enough to ask for consent or to wait until I was awake. They'd also be a bit of an idiot because I don't think that'd ever work lol. Anyway, if they promised not to do it again I'd probably give them a second chance but if not/ if they tried to justify it then i'd dump them asap

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 7:31 pm

    depends on the couple as well as how explicit the act
    some couples are open to morning blow jobs

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 7:35 pm

    I feel like that would depend heavily on the intimacy of the couple and the trust between them. I've dated someone where I held strict boundaries between them because it wasn't too serious of a relationship. Honestly I just wasn't that into him. But the partner I have now is a different story because we have a more intimate and direction driven relationship. It can spice things up, it's not everyone's cup of tea of course, but I really like and enjoy my partner that we have mutual boundaries and can tell where each of us would draw the line.

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 7:55 pm

    if we didn't agree that ir's ok to do that i would be pissed and scared.
    it's creepy and sick if you don't have someones consent even if you are lovers

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 7:56 pm
    if we didn't agree that ir's ok to do that i would be pissed and scared.it's creepy and sick if you don't have someones consent even if you are lovers @Anonymous

    and i would brake up

    RainbowPasta February 20, 2017 8:26 pm

    First of all, that's disgusting. People don't go aroung fucking unconscious.
    Secont, that's rape. You know the original story of sleeping beauty? The Prince had sex with Aurora wile she was sleeping, and that's a story made for spreading morale and showing children the dangers of the world. It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship with that person or not, if it's a prince, if it's a god, if it's a salesman, it's rape.
    I personally think that even waking up your partner with a kiss (with tongue) is weird.
    I'd scream, break up, and kick my ex outta my house

    RainbowPasta February 20, 2017 8:27 pm
    First of all, that's disgusting. People don't go aroung fucking unconscious. Secont, that's rape. You know the original story of sleeping beauty? The Prince had sex with Aurora wile she was sleeping, and that's... RainbowPasta

    *fucking unconscious people

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 8:38 pm

    That is rape, just because you are lovers doesn't mean they are free to have sex with you whenever they want. I would break up with them.

    LessThanThree February 20, 2017 8:42 pm
    First of all, that's disgusting. People don't go aroung fucking unconscious. Secont, that's rape. You know the original story of sleeping beauty? The Prince had sex with Aurora wile she was sleeping, and that's... RainbowPasta

    Actually, there are cases. I know of a woman who woke up and her husband was having sex with her.

    teehee February 20, 2017 9:10 pm

    Well does your question include foreplay ? I mean just shoving it in or riding him first you need to touch him or her right .And if you just start to ride or shove it in his or her sleep that's just rude man PS how horny are you .To me it's quite impossible because I can wake up with a single touch.and if he or she is arousing me first with the kiss and stuff then it all depends if I want it or not .And different people like different things and have different kind of relationship .Not every relation is the same some can get aroused while your partner is trying to have sex with you and some can get angry.

    Takishimalathy February 20, 2017 9:49 pm

    Ok so I was reading this random fanfiction where the main character had sex with his partner in they're sleep. So that got me wondering what other people think about that . Me personally I believe it all depends on my relationship with my partner. Like it all depends if I trust him with myself and my well-being . I mean if he's like some absolutely self centered guy who only has his well-being in mind ,and we don't really like talk about ourselves, then I wouldn't want him touching me in my sleep . But yeah I do believe if I have that attraction and trust in someone who's thoughtful about me , I don't think I would mind waking up to that, you know ?

    Takishimalathy February 20, 2017 9:50 pm
    Well does your question include foreplay ? I mean just shoving it in or riding him first you need to touch him or her right .And if you just start to ride or shove it in his or her sleep that's just rude man ... teehee

    Yes !! definitely includes foreplay lol

    Takishimalathy February 20, 2017 9:59 pm
    First of all, that's disgusting. People don't go aroung fucking unconscious. Secont, that's rape. You know the original story of sleeping beauty? The Prince had sex with Aurora wile she was sleeping, and that's... RainbowPasta

    Well yeah I understand how some people could feel that way about it, that's why I asked the question. But some people do go around fucking people unconscious it's a pretty well known link lol. And I know they're a lot of people who are suffering from somnophilia , and I wonder if they discuss that with their partner before they get with them or something, but yeah I don't think it's disgusting though . I just think there needs to be rules about it .

    Ducks are Nice February 20, 2017 10:00 pm
    Yes !! definitely includes foreplay lol Takishimalathy

    What kind of fanfiction was it? Like the shipping and stuff.

    Takishimalathy February 20, 2017 10:00 pm
    Well yeah I understand how some people could feel that way about it, that's why I asked the question. But some people do go around fucking people unconscious it's a pretty well known link lol. And I know they'r... Takishimalathy


    kaye February 20, 2017 10:02 pm

    well, it's nothing to be pissed about since it's your lover crav'n on you, ain't that sweet??

    RainbowPasta February 20, 2017 10:18 pm
    Well yeah I understand how some people could feel that way about it, that's why I asked the question. But some people do go around fucking people unconscious it's a pretty well known link lol. And I know they'r... Takishimalathy

    It is indeed a pretty famous kink. Idk why. I mean, I know that in manga when you look at your crush'es sleeping face you get all like "doki-doki" but sincerely, people don't get all that pretty wile sleeping lol. They're mostly with their mouths opened, drooling and pretty weird (that's me btw, yeah it sucks).
    Also, wouldn't it be a hella weird sex if your partner simply doesn't move? Just stays there like a dead fish? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    kaye February 20, 2017 10:20 pm
    well, it's nothing to be pissed about since it's your lover crav'n on you, ain't that sweet?? kaye

    On second thought no thanks.

    teehee February 20, 2017 10:52 pm
    Yes !! definitely includes foreplay lol Takishimalathy

    Well that's alright then isn't it .If you want to do it do it have fun .Sex is fun, sex Is good as long as both of them want it (=・ω・=)

    teehee February 20, 2017 10:59 pm
    Ok so I was reading this random fanfiction where the main character had sex with his partner in they're sleep. So that got me wondering what other people think about that . Me personally I believe it all depend... Takishimalathy

    Absolutely right if you are in a relationship .You must know how your relationship works and what kind of person he is and how much you trust him and he trust you I don't mind if am in sleep and my guy wants to have sex with me and start touching me or kissing me which will lead to penetration .But it will be kind of creepy if he just suddenly start to shove it in without giving me chance to prepare my self .Then I will kick him in the balls ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    supremecurt February 21, 2017 12:30 am

    No fucking way in hell. Even if I love the person to pieces, that's still considered rape. A sleeping person couldn't give consent.

    Takishimalathy February 21, 2017 2:15 am
    What kind of fanfiction was it? Like the shipping and stuff. Ducks are Nice

    Yuri on ice , Victor x yuri

    Takishimalathy February 21, 2017 2:16 am
    well, it's nothing to be pissed about since it's your lover crav'n on you, ain't that sweet?? kaye

    I would personally think so

    Takishimalathy February 21, 2017 2:23 am
    It is indeed a pretty famous kink. Idk why. I mean, I know that in manga when you look at your crush'es sleeping face you get all like "doki-doki" but sincerely, people don't get all that pretty wile sleeping l... RainbowPasta

    Ay different strokes for different folks

Takishimalathy October 2, 2016 3:00 am

What would you do if your father went through your phone and saw your nudes?

    idontknowlol October 2, 2016 3:04 am

    disown yourself

    Wow October 2, 2016 3:20 am
    disown yourself idontknowlol

    Bahaha haha! This answer is stellar!

    Ren October 2, 2016 3:48 am

    Move away to Mexico and change my name to papico

    Wow October 2, 2016 4:38 am
    Move away to Mexico and change my name to papico @Ren

    This answer is also awesome!!

    Wow October 2, 2016 4:41 am

    ... but on a serious note. Are they nudes of yourself? Or just ya know... Nudes... of sexy people?... ... BECAUSE!? Who the hell takes nudes of themselves and leaves it on their phones?? Come on now... Be smarter than that. ...

    idontknowlol October 2, 2016 6:46 am
    ... but on a serious note. Are they nudes of yourself? Or just ya know... Nudes... of sexy people?... ... BECAUSE!? Who the hell takes nudes of themselves and leaves it on their phones?? Come on now... Be smart... Wow

    the question is how did u even let ur parents went through ur phone in the first place
    no honor

    Takishimalathy October 2, 2016 10:49 am
    ... but on a serious note. Are they nudes of yourself? Or just ya know... Nudes... of sexy people?... ... BECAUSE!? Who the hell takes nudes of themselves and leaves it on their phones?? Come on now... Be smart... Wow

    Wasn't totally nude.. But enough to be embarrassed , and definitely dont put nudes in my phone usually like omg everything happened at the wrong time

    Takishimalathy October 2, 2016 11:47 am
    the question is how did u even let ur parents went through ur phone in the first place no honor idontknowlol

    It happened so quick!

    Wow October 2, 2016 10:22 pm

    Did you get your phone taken away? Because if I found semi nudes on my daughter's phone that phone would be mine! (She's 14) Did you take them to send to someone? I mean... Why?

    Wow October 2, 2016 10:27 pm

    Are your parents paying for your phone? As a parent myself I do respect my kids privacy but if I have an inkling that shady stuff is going on then I'm for sure gonna check their phones whether they want me to or not.

    Takishimalathy October 2, 2016 11:29 pm
    Did you get your phone taken away? Because if I found semi nudes on my daughter's phone that phone would be mine! (She's 14) Did you take them to send to someone? I mean... Why? Wow

    No lol I keep my nudes strictly to myself . My phone also has no service I paid for all the repairs for it and everything, I only use it for manga and pictures.and like I tell my parents everything I tell them what I read, what I watch, who I talk to .. Etc. My father was searching for something on my phone and ended up stumbling to far hence the disaster

    Wow October 2, 2016 11:40 pm

    Oooooh. I get it. My daughter is the same way. She tells me everything and also shares sexy pics of anime or manga guys. My daughter's and husband and stepson know I read yaoi so I have the mindset that if I'm honest with my kids then they will be honest with me.

    If you weren't sending them to someone then I don't see that it would be a big deal, especially if you are so open with your parents. As long as you're honest.

    Takishimalathy October 2, 2016 11:44 pm
    Oooooh. I get it. My daughter is the same way. She tells me everything and also shares sexy pics of anime or manga guys. My daughter's and husband and stepson know I read yaoi so I have the mindset that if I'm ... Wow

    I was just uber embarrassed, and If you don't mind me asking how old are you ?

    Wow October 2, 2016 11:51 pm

    Hehe. No problem. I'm 37. You?

    Takishimalathy October 4, 2016 3:29 am
    Hehe. No problem. I'm 37. You? Wow


    Takishimalathy October 4, 2016 3:30 am
    Hehe. No problem. I'm 37. You? Wow

    Where are you from?

    Wow October 4, 2016 3:45 am

    I live in Arizona. What about you?

    Takishimalathy October 4, 2016 3:52 am
    I live in Arizona. What about you? Wow


    Wow October 4, 2016 5:23 am

    Nice. Is it weird to talk to someone so much older. I won't be insulted if you say yes. (⌒▽⌒)

    Takishimalathy October 4, 2016 4:17 pm
    Nice. Is it weird to talk to someone so much older. I won't be insulted if you say yes. (⌒▽⌒) Wow

    Nah I talk to old people all the time lol my best friend is my grandma

    Wow October 4, 2016 8:15 pm

    Hey! I said older not old! ( ̄∇ ̄"). You have a lucky grandma. My husband's mother lives with us and she just irritates my kids so they tend to ignore her. She thinks she can be their mother instead of letting me do that and she's so bad at it all she does is make them mad. Lol.

Takishimalathy February 1, 2016 5:00 am

Seme with long hair?

Takishimalathy December 13, 2015 6:03 am

I'm looking for this manga (not yaoi) about these guys who were apart of the mafia Nd they were all in jail and there was one guy who knew how to escape the jail and the captain of the mafia told the guy if he could get 4 of the other captains out of jail he'd make him captain....? (Ik that confusing) pls help!! Thanks in advance

Takishimalathy November 22, 2015 7:05 am

Does anybody know this yaoi manga it was about this guy who was in the military and he and his team had a mission to rescue a scientist that had been captured for five years and afterwards he and the scientist get together .... Does anybody know this manga? Thanks in advance

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