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Dreams(8) 2024-01-21 0
Family, Food, Tears(21) 2023-08-26 0
Ocean waves and a face of Salt (BL Edition)(23) 2022-01-01 0
Simple Joys (32) 2024-01-31 0

angelyana's topics ( All 15 )

angelyana September 27, 2023 4:14 am

The manga is finally addressing discrimination and colonialism in regards to the European missionaries, but I’m curious if the story is also going to address Japan’s own colonizing history. But enjoying this so far!

    happyguy October 26, 2023 5:08 pm

    You know his face when he was shocked and he said this will change the future! the symbol in the background looks like the sun you know " the Red Sunwith the lines"

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couples & likable characters 03-02 17:07
Feels 08-01 06:46

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