Pie's experience ( All 0 )

Pie's answer ( All 2 )

i hated every living moment of that omfg. they say curiosity killed the cat and i wished it had killed me this time cause there was no satisfaction in that especially when i use a purple character anytime i play among us   reply
30 05,2021
22 01,2021
I- sis.... If BL and GL are fetishizing gay people (spoiler alert: its not) than what is straight manga and manhwa? Is it just normal because its straight or is it also fetisizing straight people? Like your logic makes no sense... Its as if you didn't research at all. It makes you sound like a those fortnight boys who say the n word and other slurs......   3 reply
22 01,2021

Pie's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did finally came out the closet

I’ve always been pretty open about.In middle school I got made fun of a lot by some classmates, they called me a f@got all the time :/

15 minutes
did unable to trust anyone

i can't trust anyone not even my own parents or friends cuz of my trust issues

7 hours
did finally came out the closet

i'm quite open about it, but i used to get bullied for my sexuality so i only really tell people i'm close to about it now a days

7 hours