What happened to y’all?
Y’all coming after my boy as if he was the ex-boyfriend who cheated on Akane.
Some even sking for a second male lead in a story that doesn’t need that when it’s about their relationship that is going through growth?
Damn, so y’all want Akane to go window shopping while in a serious relationship? Don’t diss my girl like that with your projections. Yall remind me of the college girl who did that to Yamada and projected her relationship onto them. Learn from her and don’t ruin the story for some “drama”.
WOAH, I wrote more to this but I guess it glitched and took it away so I’m add it back.
I add on to the “yamada has too many love interests, akane has too many rivals,”
GIRL BYE, we did not read the same manga.
Yamada is made to be a pretty boy that is popular in school and out for his looks. Its emphasized ALOT. Yet,..
At most, Yamada had four girls who appeared. 3 1/2 since Alex only made a snippet.. Runa doesn’t count, Tsubaki confessed before Akane and Yamada even got together, Akane’d friend was only jealous of their relationship, and college girl respectfully gave up. Akane HAD an actual love “rival” for Yamada but boy didn’t even last four to five chapters before that ended quickly.
If that second male lead appears, I hope it causes akane and yamada to break up out of how annoyed yall make me feel.
This is a story about a healthy relationship between an insecure, bubbly, older girl and dense, gamer dude who is handsome and 0 percent in romance. Don’t take away my fluffiness cause you want some spiciness.

YES THIS!! Like it’s so rare to see a romance story about a HEALTHY relationship growing TOGETHER. Where tension is there but the problems actually get resolved pretty normally and in an understanding way instead of an over dramatized manner. Their relationship feels real instead of a plot device to make drama just for the sake of drama.

Wtf is with the comments here? The seme basically r-worded the bottom and some of y’all are saying he’s in the wrong for being a beta who is oblivious to a Alpha’s feelings when he can’t even sense pheromones and understand their situation?
That’s crazy. I forget how diluted a person’s common sense can be when reading a BL manga but I hope y’all don’t bring that to real life.
This was so cute and tame. I saw the tags but I didn’t expect it to turn so bad before the season ended. Wooju deserves his peace and freedom. A bit of bonk on the head for sticking with the top and being too tolerant of his behavior.

Some dislike Wooju cause he’s dense as fuck. But besides that, nothing to wrong him for. And him being dense is out of his control so yeah.
Anyways, I desperately hope the ML will be someone else and there’s a plot twist where blondie turns into an omega, and gets his own partner. Have him taste his own medicine!!

Valid to be annoyed by his density. It’s abit irritating but that’s what I personally find cute about him.
But did you see the comment going on about it being Wooju’s fault instead of Jihyeon’s?? as if the top wasn’t already a weirdo who never confessed, gets jealous of others and blames Wooju for it when he can’t even sense pheromones, AND now he does the worse to him? Make it make sense, dude! He needs to get a reality check or something.

Ngl I'm surprised by the comments too, I feel like they forgotten the earliest chapters here and refreshment. It seems to be Implied that the top had manipulated MC to be some sort of dependent (my opinion that is) towards him. To add on, they're both childhood friends.. the attachment is a thing! Its not easy to just poosh disappear with someone that you've been together for so long and the fact that ML also said that MC should've stayed clueless shows that he was always been clueless from the start! So I'm Surprised why their reactions are so negative TT . It isnt his fault that our red head is a bit dumb, that adds to his charm as well

Ooohhhh you pointed other things I’ve forgotten! He did manipulate and forced Woojun into this relationship long before. I forgotten about the lying he did to sleep with Wooju in the first place and I was questioning his decisions but I got distracted by their ambiguous relationship that LOOKED ok till I got further in. I did know he was a manipulative, but it got darker as we went down. I really believed he would not the same route as other crazy MLs. He was ok to me till it went from getting jealous over situations Wooju can’t control trying to keep him in the dark about himself to using Wooju’s density and friendship to isolate him from potential partners/friends to where we are now. Idk. I’m gonna reread K’s secret instead and forget about this manga for awhile.

Yeah, tbh i was already expecting him to go down hill as SOON as he got jealous. Bro's showing yandere tendencies thats why I didn't expect him to he oh so lovey dovey or understanding. The only 'good' thing about his rs with Woojun is that he seemed to be entirely dependent on him as well without knowing. But yeah A LOT of people forgot about this which is why i was sooo confused on why they're blaming Woojun (⊙…⊙ ). Enjoy K's Secret as well love (≧∀≦)

Agreed!! I get they wanna defend the manga cause they enjoyed reading it but.. you don’t have to do that? Just own up to enjoying dark romance instead of excusing rape or toxic shit that mls do. I like reading toxic stories sometimes too (in like small doses lol) but I would never argue with people and defend the shitty actions of characters. Cause the toxicity is what I’m reading it for and I can acknowledge that some of the characters are not good!

Why most don’t like this ending.
Look, half of us hate it. Half of us don’t.
It’s ok for different views.
But the truth is that Aka really didn’t care to end the story as intense as the story’s plot ending. Instead, he gave us an ending where any of us fanatics can tell it’s “Here, it’s done. Accept this and move on.”
You say it’s a realistic ending and that’s amazing, but the story in itself wasn’t even normal.
It had reincarnation and deities for the love of christ.
I’m glad Ruby got to move on and become an idol but it would’ve been better if Aka at least attempted to give us a few chapters into her character development instead of one chapter. To let us be in awe of our OTHER main character that she was capable of being strong in a different sense from how Aqua sought out his path.
But we didn’t.
All Ruby got was “Mom and brother, I’m ok now. I will act out my dreams and lie like Mom to show the world.” The end.
That’s pretty unsatisfying to me. Sorry to say.
Aqua gets to extend out his chapters while Ruby gets the door to the face on the last chapter wotj the rest of the characters Aka LITERALLY got us invested in.
Sadly, I will still support him cause Oshi no Ko still is a manga I love. Just not an ending I thought we would get to a plot that gave so much.
That’s just me though.

I think half of us knew it was gonna be cheesy and rushed.
Aka really took his plot, threw it into a cooker and made hot pot of what the f.
Clearly, he wanted to finish this up cause this ending is generic and bland.
He really did the opposite of his beginning.
Killed his main character off. (This one is valid.)
Never developed the OTHER main character. (THIS ONE IS NOT.)
Developed love interests more than said other main character.
Ruined a love triangle where neither side is happy.
Never addressed other subplot points of side characters.
And in the end, Ruby is happy but traumatized for life where the lesson to us all is acting makes everyone happy as long as its a beautiful lie.
Anyone have good fanfiction where Akane, Kana or Ruby go back in time or are the main characters?

Bro, what is with this chapter? I get its in Kana’s character to be demolished and torn apart..
But this…?
Aka, you did Kana dirty.
You did Ruby dirty.
I can clearly tell you love Akane since she’s the only safe one and I’m happy for that at least.
You better just focus on Ruby cause at this point I’m about to just turn away from this. Whatever ending we get, I can tell won’t satisfy me anymore.
I’m going to draw Kana happy. Forget whatever Aka is doing here. I gave up atp.

I’m not really sad over his death. It didn’t hurt cause it was already expected. Foreshadowed in earlier chapters that Aqua would take drastic measures to protect those who he cared for.
Especially for Ruby.
The only questions I have in truth…
Will Ruby really pull through this? Or will this tragedy be the pinnacle of her becoming like her mother? Or were his words right about her and that she will pull through and shine the greatest?
And what of Kana? What was all the emphasis of potraying her feelings and showing anything mutual towards Aqua? Was it all to make her finally have some trauma over the loss of her first love? We won’t even see much of that development if that’s the case.
And you’re telling me that Akane’s whole character ties to her being the one to take care of Ruby now? I’m not gonna lie. That’s utter bs writing. I’m a Kana fan but Akane is my third favorite and she deserves better.
At this point, I rather the last two chapters focus on Ruby for once. Leave Akane and Kana alone…and everyone else too.

Girl is going to have a mental breakdown and continue living as a the best idol. He reincarnates once more and they meet when she’s super famous and tears of joy.
If that’s the ending, Im gonna throw my self over a damn bridge. Just let Aqua rest. No reincarnation. He needs a break. Let the girls mourn and be the best versions while thinking of him, idc. He doesn’t need to be reincarnated again.
But I’m assuming next chapter he might actually talk to Ai in the afterlife who will finally see who he is. Since this story has super natural stuff to it. That would also be a nice chapter.
Here when we are over momma’s boy and we get to the artist dude. I’m waiting to see what he is into despite the mom/son going now.