gtopisreal want to do ( All 1 )

have sex

gtopisreal's experience ( All 1 )

I don't have a friend. I have acquaintances but not a friend that you can talk and rely on. I had friends more than 5 years ago, we all grew up and grew apart. Yeah, I have 'friends' on Twitter but it's not like we know each other, we just had the same taste of music or part of a fandom but friends? I dunno. I got used to being alone, talking about......   2 reply
04 09,2020

gtopisreal's answer ( All 0 )

gtopisreal's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

NEW DROP "got two girls in the cut and idk what to do"~

2 hours
did watch hentai

The rite of passage for all anime enjoyers. If you havent watched a single hentai, dont call yourself an anime fan.

3 hours
want to do be adorable

I'd like to think I'm adorable irl. But I'm old now so. I still feel adorable on the inside but my physical appearance let's me down.

3 hours