It definitely seems to be a concussion, seeing as she fainted after getting hit in the head. I'm concerned about the fact that she bled so much...I hope she isn't a "bleeder" bc their lives are dangerous.
Although I understand Tias feelings I feel so bad for Cedric who loves her and isn’t aware of how she feels guilty loving him. Like I feel bad he doesn’t understand why she’s avoiding him and not opening up and stuff
In the beginning it’s kinda sus because they barely know each other, but as the story progresses it’s really sweet and they get into a pretty healthy relationship imo
In the beginning it’s kinda sus because they barely know each other, but as the story progresses it’s really sweet and they get into a pretty healthy relationship imo onlybaekyong
She won’t get a concussion or like side effects from the head injury right? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
It definitely seems to be a concussion, seeing as she fainted after getting hit in the head. I'm concerned about the fact that she bled so much...I hope she isn't a "bleeder" bc their lives are dangerous.
Omg I didn’t even think of the possibility of her having hemophilia! Please I’m stressing waiting for the next chapter