Im a bit confused here, in france at 18 you're no longer a minor so i see this one more as an age gap plot than pedo.

Oh and I'm not talking about sexual legal age, at 18 you're officially an adult.

The characters on this cover are the absolute carbon copy of the couple from the good teacher? Is it a kind of doujinshi about them?

But honestly it ended with more questions than answers...

I still can't figure out if the big milk brother was a bad guy or not, we don't know what happened to him after he killed the baron as he just disappeared, his mother seems to be yhe one who really ended shit by poisoning dongha and setting the whole house on fire but what's with that awfully beautiful stepmother witch and that weird ass rapist Oedipus complex brother?
I'm now really curious about the story Sungwu wrote.

But more than anything... Was it only a dream?
I don't know whta to do with my suspension of disbelief now xD

To heal myself after "portrait of a bad guy",
I still can't believe they're from the same author ffs

What on earth are those dicks doing with thar retarded slut for fucks sake i dont evwn know what i just read holy shit must bleach my brain now everything is so cringy even now i can feel my fucking skin crawl

Alright so basically, this is about a man sexually abusing the mentally impared son his wife got with someone else while being remarried to another woman who just gave birth to his legit baby.
And every fucking shithead in here is gay and fucking the retarded boy because why not.


Might be the first time i drop a book so fast .

All I've seen so far is drunk dude who writes bad and unpopular stories about him and his crush falling asleep and dreaming about those very stories that indeed really suck.

It got me confused so i skipped a few chapters, then again, and again, and ch 15 was still the same messy nonsense so... Yea. Here i am.

Maybe i didn't read enough to understand, maybe that was just not my cup of tea, either way i didnt like this.

The art is really nice and the story is as beautiful as heartbreaking.

Came for a love story, leaving with an amazing character development and a lesson on how to let go. How even painful events help you grow.
How romance is more than random ass trivial happy endings that are always thrown down our throats as if it was only right answer.

The story was incredibly sad but had a happy ending. Not the kind you read in other stories but a wholesome one, a happy and logical ending that didn't come out of nowhere.

I'm happy Yuugen managed to get a hold of himself and LIVE. Even if death taught him.

Well i didn't cry. I think i actually need a dog to be able to cry lol but i WAS touched, it was truly a wonderful story.

I always have a hard time when authors try to romanticise rape and this is exactly what this one does. was lured by the comedy tag but i was just confused, there wasn't a single moment when i could figure out what the protagonist would find attractive in that tall rapist ass.
All i could do was tilt my head every time he was thinking dearly of him, I'm pretty sure it ended up doing a complete rotation by the end of their story.

Also wtf? A cliffhanger is not an ending #!@& this is absolutely not completed and i was way more interested in the 2nd couple.

So ... Female alphas are just actually... Hermaphroditic ?

Honestly I'm a little disappointed...

I know it's dumb given the concept but... I was expecting something else. Something that doesn't actually exist, you know?

Also the dialogues when they're having sex, ughhh ><
I could deal with it so far as I'm not an English native but reading them in French make them cringy as fuck. Good reminder that I'm just reading a book, honestly screaming "I'm cumming" while climaxing is a thing I only see in porn and that DOES NOT happen in real life, in French. It would just sound weird and be a turn off.
I suppose us french have more of "show, don't tell" kind of sex xD

And the flow way sweeter than male x male omegaverse stories! Not as close as porn either, it was nice but way too short.

I've been recommended a few other yuri omegaverses but if you know some more, please feel free to share them with me!

I have quite a bit of a problem here.
I simply don't get it. The more I read them, the less I understand. These Dom sub... Verse?

I already had a hard time with omegaverse and honestly, I have turn off my brain completely while putting all my focus on one thing that I find nice when I read one, but in this dom sub thing, it just doesn't work.

First, are the authors trying to... Like, legitimate and randomise BDSM? And make it credible on a biological level?
In omegaverses, they still use biological functions and mix them between sex and, uh... Cat. Biting the female neck is a cat thing, to prevent her from running away because male cats have thorns on their penises. The whole heat/rut is also a cat thing, the nest thing as well (for pregnant females) and so on.
It's honestly pure bullshit but at least we can trace the origins, the process behind the creation of this.... Thing.
I guess the first creator of omegaverse had a weird zoophilic fetish?

But what about this dom sub stuff?
How did they come to make it a subgender and stick biological reactions in it?

Thus, I don't understand the biology of this.
They say there are Dom's

-omg my autocorrect is not letting me write it!-

subs, switches and normals. Which mean it is not normal, right?
So what about these "sub levels" and why are they always seeing a generalist doctor instead of a psychiatrist? Where does it come from, what kind of... Hormones? Are at work here?
Or is it some kind of illness?

Is it a way to romanticise bondage and domination plays?
But ... Why?!?

I seriously cannot wrap my head around it.

Took me the whole day to finish chapter one xD but you can go, no red flag

A few cringy dialogues and no action at all.
Very very light story.

An update??? A real one, 15 months after the last update?! I don't even remember the story xD
Thank you for picking it up, I sincerely hope that you won't also randomly drop it without a word at the randomest moment x')

I can't believe the author of lack of love did this.
This is shit. Cheap shit.
The characters are ALLLLLLLLL, but I mean ALL! Despicable! The MC, the ML, the side characters, all of them fcking suck. Their personalities are the worst, and they're so inconsistent, like wtf???
Man this is not character development, this is Pokémon evolution, and you want me to appreciate them? How? Who even could?
You can very well set up some tragic past or events here and there, there's just no way of getting attached to such fickle, arrogant and detestable assholes.

Honestly I don't even know how I managed to finish this story, every 3 chapters starting ch25 I had to check how much were left, and the only reason I finished it was because I couldn't have hurt myself so much to just give up half way.

I've been frowning from chapter 3, and never stopped till I reached this very page I'm writing on right now. I've frown so fcking much that I feel like the upper side of my head have been smashed into a brick wall and plastered.

The story looks quite dark in the first chapters
-and actually is-
But it was very well balanced with the funny moments, heart breaking, heart warming and terrifying ones.

I'm usually annoyed when there are too much sex scenes and end up skipping them, but in this story, they were surprisingly primordial, their relationship develops through them and it was an interesting approach.
And ffs I love their relationship so much, I love their interactions, I love the side characters especially mustache servant, he was such a sweet man. Soon also, she's adorable.
Also loved Beom and Muhu's interactions, they're hilarious.

You must be mentally prepared for the side stories, which are actually the ending and holy fuck, I loved it. Killing the main couple is so rare and it made their story complete, that they would die so young and abruptly in this era was actually so coherent. Even the reincarnation thing made sense with their final wish to the wisteria tree.

I would have liked to know if the little brother was cured, and what was his illness, as well as beom brother's full story.

Depiction of Stockholm syndrome and burnout for Jung hoon and Lima syndrome, narcissistic personality disorder and trauma due to abuse for Hyunjae.

I didn't like the story, the ending was... brutal? And honestly I couldn't get attached to any of the characters.

The art was great if it wasn't for that weird ass habit of the author of drawing HEARTS everywhere in violent sex scenes, and the overuse of ahegao was seriously too much.
The few tentatives at comical figures didn't work, as the story was way too dark.

The plot was interesting though and I wish the author would have focused more on this than on the rape scenes,
at some point okay, we get it. The "protagonist"
-can I still call him a protagonist tho?-
gets raped in the worst and most violent possible ways by literally each and every single men that ends up in a room with him.

We don't need so many details and above all, we don't need fucking cute hearts drawn everywhere around that distorted bleeding butthole ffs

Sorry but this made me extremely uncomfortable.


What the fuck is wrong with those tags????

You guys need... I don't even know what you need. A doctor probably. Or an army. An army of doctors. What the fuck.

The only right tag was rape. ALL the others were bullshit. BDSM? Seriously? BDSM is consensual bitches go do your homework instead of wasting away MY sanity on illegal porn websites.
{Weird font}this is the most adorable SHIT WHAT? Please define "adorable".
Romance. ROMANCE. RO???? What the mother fucking hell is going on here, you fucking terrorists.
Hot? You guys think this fucking assault is HOT???

Look I have many other questions, at least as many as the "popular tag for this manwha", but I'm just gonna ask one:

. WHY? .

Is there something happening in this story?
Is there a plot?
I dropped it at Ch 15 since all they did so far was fucking. In each and every chapters they fuck. There's nothing lovable in those characters and there's not even a story I can read ... I mean... If I only want to see sex, I have pornhub and the "art" there is way better

So is there something happening at some point or will it be 53 chapters of bland characters having bland sex here, there, in this place or that one?