Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

This is unreadable, even the protagonist's name changes several times/chapters.
The dialogues don't just seem stupid and unnatural, most of the time it doesnt even make sense and the pages seems mixed up.

This thing
It doesn't work.

I know since I'm not too fond of omegaverses and that i might appear biased but no, this is not even the problem here
Let's leave it aside, okay
The problem here
Beside the characters, oh god i fucking hate them, they are all colossal shits


Am i supposed to find it funny? Am i supposed to find it cute??? It just felt like two different stories got mixed up and ended up giving birth to this... Anomaly.

And it didn't make me uncomfortable like horror stories are supposed to, it made me uncomfortable like... A cockroach swimming in my cappuccino.
Not one in my untouched mug, a cockroach having the time of its life in the the mug i have been sipping on for a whole hour while distractingly noticing something moving in it but not paying any mind until i actually felt its legs on my lips and made eye contact.

This is about a man cheating with the parent of his lover and making them pregnant and there s all this cutesy comical figures in the middle trying to make it "lighter" so that I'll accept your typical good ending????

No, no, nope. Ughhhh. Absolutely not.

And thanks for not finishing it.
I almost dropped at ch 1, and should have.

Starts with a sex scene.
Useless as always.
The sex scene appear to be a rape.
Falls in love with his rapist then rapes him too.

The plot could have been good but it ended up being nothing but unpleasant series of situations.
You can't get attached to any side characters because they re just passing by.

Showing how shit was handled at the appearance of mmorpgs events in real world could have been a good idea, but the author just ignored all the codes of the genre so in the end, it was just monsters crawling out of random ass mysterious pop-up holes vs military, oh wait, this was tagged yaoi, lets make them non-con fuck for 3 chapters, end.

I just read the author is deceased. Well... Rip dugo, i wish you'd have found your calling when you were alive, writing was definitely not it.

Chapter one, 7th panel, immersion ruined.
You editors are getting better at damaging stuff, huh.
If you re so dead set on white washing series, know that in our countries of dumbasses where people are called eric and jace, they are rarely called baek and yoon and military service is not mandatory.


oh no
oh god this is so fucked up... The art was great though but fck...

This was .. so bland! So flat! So boring! So badly translated, drawn, colored and written.

The characters are all expressionless, the colors seem faded, there's no chemistry between any of the characters, i was expecting it all to be so bland to make the great reveal stand out more, like look! They all flatter than the 2D characters they are, but TADA!! it was because of THIS!!!
But nope.
It was just tasteless, rhythmless, colorless, from beginning to end.
Even when they explain a situation, it feels like they don't finish. Part of this is probably because of the bad translation, but the whole story and drawing are as much responsible for this lack of everything.

It was very, very bad.
It was neither interesting nor pleasant to look at.

Hey seriously it's not bad, not bad at all! Would i even dare to say it was good???

Look there was character developments, parts of the plot didn't vanish into thin air, there were CONSEQUENCES TO ACTIONS/EVENTS!!!
For a BL this MUST be mentioned!
Also the police DOES exist and they did their fucking job, and ffs the characters have NORMAL REACTIONS!
I'm thinking of the woman who threw her phone at the ghost, the coworker who got absolutely terrified and the nerd neighbour who called the police and ran away while facing the ... Thing.

Not gonna lie, i almost dropped it at chapter 1, i briefly saw some comments trashing it and when i started reading, i was greatly displeased by the chara-design, they just looked like highschool kids and one went and said ''come on, I've been married for 3years" i felt... Ugh, what am i getting into.
Still thought that I'd continue a bit though for a horror story, the art was too "cute and clean" and the protagonist looked too young and pretty, while thinking about this one comment " it's not scary at aaaaalllll"
I so wasn't prepared to see the creature!!!

Ah well yes, it's described as a ghost story but their characteristics seems more of a monster's to me, and hey... It was good. In this story's universe where ghosts do exist, the author didn't use it as an excuse to justify any shit like "shut up, it's magic".

I also like the fact that mc did think about what he's done wrong and wasn't just your typical victim so pure and magnificent that never fucked up, the ghosts' actions and appearances didnt just come out of nowhere either, the protagonists have lots of flaws and are working on it.

The only dissatisfaction I have is about that random ass love story, i would have felt it more if they just stayed friends, especially since in the chapter before the last, they mention that AAAAAAAAALL OF THIS happened in just two weeks. Two. Weeks.
That... Huh. That's not enough to build a love story, especially since so much happened in this short timeframe.

Honestly, it WAS interesting. But also a bit of a let down on some aspects.

First, the story was pretty complicated, so the 30 last chapters censored, made it even harder to understand.
I even wonder what exactly the 58 R 15, which became 55 first chapters thanks to the censorship looked like but well...

There were lots of names dropped altogether but some characters just never or rarely appeared, which was confusing as hell.

The whole plot was awesome though complexe and the love story didn't occult it, but... Wasnt the end rushed???
I mean, they went to such great lengths to achieve their goals, but finally things get more or less resolved by releasing a video through the media, and now the bad guy is gonna struggle but the good guys are getting there somehow and the last major event was due to some random asshole who appeared in five panels in the middle of season 1 and they live happily ever after end??

This is so vague!

What happens to the little bro?
What happens to the board directors?
What happens to mr kim?
What's gonna happen with samjo and white entertainment?
What happens to the hidden son who was at the same time always and never here?
What happens to jangwoo?
What happens to the DOGS???
Did the author literally abandon Tom and Jerry in the dog hotel for the rest of their fictive dog lives???!
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Ugh what ghe fuck do you even call this shit? Medical rape?

This was awful.
The story, the characters, the topic, the rythm, the context, the art, everything.

The story was dragging on for so long, it could have been more bearable if it was 30/40 chapters shorter.the depression of the protagonist was portrayed in the worst possible way and just disappeared when it was done with its purpose of occupying 25 chapters.

The only character i felt something for was that poor puppy that was just erased from the end of the story. Yejun the idols also disappeared just like that, woithout any consequences to his actions.All the others were just so self centered that it felt like they all belonged to their own stories and their interactions felt unnatural.

The topic was treated to lightly and clumsily and drowned under all the other subtopics so it's hard to even pick one as the main.

The rythm is inconsistent and doesn't even make sense, I'm still wondering what the fck was that random flash forward of the junkie being attacked, it may even just be an upload mistake for all iknow since it just came out of nowhere, went nowhere and meant nothing.

The sex scenes are drawn horribly, they check all the codes of fighting scenes wtf. They were not intense, they were violent. and difficult to watch/read.

The whole thing seems to try to appear like something "mature" lol, for adults to enjoy, but it was not. Violent sex, toxic relationship, free violence and drugs are not "adults" interests.
They're adolescents interests.

So in this regard, the book is very inappropriate for the audience it's aimed at.

It was boring, long and hard to read.

And finally i dont know what PR stands for but if it is "paying reader" just know that it doesn't allow you to interrupt the story to spit random shits eapecially when you ended up stealing the story to share it illegally ffs.
If you have comments, share it here, where others who ARE actually interested in your opinion can interact with you and not in the middle of the upload between two panels just to interrupt everybody when they're just trying to get out of this crap.

What happened?
The 20 last chapters are so short , the end so rushed and doesnt make sense at all? What's with all the sheme between will's father and the sister's (whose name is still unknown) ex??? It looked like the beginning of a new something but suddenly, end?
I think I don't understand

Couldn't keep reading lawyers unable to make a single proper sentence. Please hit me up if a clean translation ever comes out, i liked the art and i think i could enjoy the story

All those people hating this besides into the comments of people who liked it

It's hilarious though
Weird but hilarious.
I love weird shits and i love it even more when it's not the same overused serious cliches that you'd find literally everywhere.
The only thing that i hate is that i randomly started reading some unfinished book again.

But before i resume, can you please tell me how you'd pronounce that name "Harace"?

It wasnt even ol'plain cthulhu, CTHULHU MARADONA!

I'm losing my mind a little more every week, that's why i avoid unfinished books ><

Wtf are those proportions???
Kids faces drawn on needle heads on top of approximative adult male bodies that don't really have muscles, bones or any human shapes, some kind of .. jelly bodies??

And the story so far didn't even make up for the art.

I kept reading expecting some improvement in the art or some kind of plot taking place but at ch28, there was still nothing... So I dropped it.

Go and make your own opinion about this, it was absolutely not my thing though.

You managed to poop a baby whose head is three times the one of an adult, you can handle the fisting.

Okay, seriously now.
I almost dropped this savagery, i only stayed because the mc managed to escape at the exact right time. Gotta say the art greatly improved, pretty much in sync with that asshole main lead...and I guess the baby wasn't expected to appear, which would have been for the best.
It was cliche af, not very interesting, the beginning is badly drawn and the baby ugly as hell.the ending was exactly what you'd expect from this trope and it sucks. There WAS a serious character development but at se point, authors will have to face their fear of hysterical decerebrate fangirls and start writing some coherent stories, those kind of "happy endings" are nothing but overused clichés now.

it's time to up your game guys, take some risks and give us some real shit


I dropped it at ch 186. Honestly i liked the story, since for once in this genre the author actually explained the whole universe creation, causes and consequences. The time travel thing thew me off, I don't like time travel because it just... Well it doesn't work, it never works no matter the genre of story it's always bullshit and it didn't make exception here. Deus ex machina should be forbidden, especially when it simply erases the emotional stakes in a story.
In the end nobody died and all is well that ends well equals to thank you, fuck you for me.
It's just me though but that's how i feel about this.
But well, yea. Ch 186. Random ass love story that popped out of nowhere because that's what fangirls want. NOPE. Mh-mh. Absolutely not. Hell no.
In my heart the story was finished, and the end was quite good, when jinwoo beat the last monarch. All the rest is pure bs.
Shit i even felt sad when the chairman of the hunter association died, and it was all for nothing, even though his funeral scene was so emotional it was just wiped as if it never mattered, you wasted your tears bitch. They re dead but finally they're not dead and there was never any real danger because abracadeus ex machina, magic world peace ultimate game breaking hero and happy #!@&everybody!!!

Urghhhhh. I don't even want to know what other crap is going to annihilate the initial plot in the 14 last chapters of the epilogue. I wish i could just forget everything after the #!@&time rewind...

One more story that ended up making me sad, i feel betrayed.