Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 28, 2025 6:25 pm

Well at leas this ONE time, they had a good reason to fuck like rabbits xD

Ok ok, so, I skimmed through the comments and, hey, hey hey hey.
Nobody here ever had a pet rabbit? I'm quite surprised about nobody mentioning those MEAT EATING STRICTLY HERBIVOROUS LAGOMORPHES but... Mh, okay. I find it extremely mysterious but okay.
I mean, it's a universe where some chosen males can get pregnant, where an underworld somehow manages to get a day/night cycle, and where a few pounds bunny can turn into full grown human adult sometimes already clothed depending on the scenario needs, so... I guess it doesn't matter much lol.

So, on a more serious tone now.
I'm not so attached to the protagonists... ?
I felt so much more for Habibi, she was really well written, she made mistakes like a normal human and everything about her was so relatable, I found her so endearing...

I didn't hate any of the protagonists unlike other people in the comments, and the things that seem to bother them were actually pretty legit (like the cultural discrepancy between Haru and Neungso/Baeksol for instance, it would have felt very unnatural if it wasn't there, they grew up in diametrically opposite world)
And I found adorable how, despite Neungso distrust toward Habibi, they both still considered her little wedding play as a legit and official union lol.

In conclusion, it wasn't as bad as I feared
(I'm not into mpreg, 4ears beast men and transformers (?)).

The art greatly improved too.

And I wish to see some impotent idiot brother's side stories ^^

Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 18, 2025 9:42 pm

I was quite curious about the geopolitical situation of this world, the assassination and reincarnation thing, but HEEEEEELLLLL NO.
6 CHAPTERS. And 94% of it was a very graphic pedophilic rape train.
That's absolutely impossible.
Is2g I don't even know why they keep drawing this shit like this but it's not sexy, it's weird and gross. I only even found one single manga with a very graphic depiction of a kid being raped, and it was awesome (in the context) and coherent. There was blood and tears everywhere, it was drawn as the traumatic situation it actually is, and it wasn't just there to show a kid being fucked by an adult.
But THIS !
What the fuck is even this??? Why is this?;£@#+!
Fuck this shit I'm out.
I don't even care about the story anymore.

Also, was this written by a Frenchy? What's with those names, Giscard, Chirac, this are very well known french figures xD

Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 17, 2025 11:33 pm

It was somehow disappointing, or frustrating (?) how inwoo finally healed in the few last panels of the last chapter, especially when it was the subject of the plot.
I understand that he was slowly cured, thanks to good things piling up, but it felt kind of curt.

And honestly,
-drama time incoming-
The sex scenes were SO! USELESS! Again!
There was absolutely no point in drawing them, and the super censored version made it even more obvious and ridiculous.
They ARE having sex. And it was as pointless as can be! Even the blinds would know! How far are you willing to go to sell porn to kids???

The story is the absolute same without the sex/censored-sex-but-sex-anyway, so why is it even here?
Also the food sex there, ugh.
I almost puked.

The story was somehow interesting but lacks a lot, and rushed things that deserved to be developed. The art was very nice though.

    Im gonna hate :P February 21, 2025 11:49 pm

    I liked it as he found someone who healed him to finally let go of the tasteless past to find a new sweet future

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 22, 2025 1:29 am
    I liked it as he found someone who healed him to finally let go of the tasteless past to find a new sweet future Im gonna hate :P

    Yes but it just suddenly happened right before the end, like:
    oh there was that thing too,
    mmmh ( ̄へ ̄), "he-ate-a-potato-chips-and-suddenly-got-better-then-they -live-happily-ever-after-the-end." You know? Felt rushed.

Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 14, 2025 11:03 pm

There wasn't much to this story. Just your basic nice romance with nothing else around, maybe I'm getting tired of romance?
But oh, well, how can I not approve of this couple when even a random passing by dog gave them its blessings? XD
It was an okay story, no red flags, not much drama and endearing characters, and thank god a good translation came out because... Because. I already complained about it anyways.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 14, 2025 11:06 pm

    The way your comment embodies your username I agree that it's light (and the rest of the listed items in the last paragraph) but I think you should slow down on your toxic bls

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 14, 2025 11:07 pm
    The way your comment embodies your username I agree that it's light (and the rest of the listed items in the last paragraph) but I think you should slow down on your toxic bls Isekai-ed into ur bed

    This isn't an attack btw I just reread it and it looks like an attack I'm crying

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 14, 2025 11:24 pm
    This isn't an attack btw I just reread it and it looks like an attack I'm crying Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Yea I think should just slow down on bl at all xD I like when there's a romance developing in a story but this implies the the romance is NOT the story, pretty hard to find... I may actually prefer bromance lol
    And don't worry, attack or not... It wouldn't change my sincere opinion so I don't really mind (it sometimes starts interesting conversations ^^)

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 14, 2025 11:30 pm
    Yea I think should just slow down on bl at all xD I like when there's a romance developing in a story but this implies the the romance is NOT the story, pretty hard to find... I may actually prefer bromance lol... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Omg same ive been going crazy with bls lately and I think I should slow down as well sigh I love the fact that you share your honest opinions for you, and it is true that it can spark up interesting convos lol check out the first comment of Salty Lust that comes up when you sort it by popularity- that's a proper convo right there

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 15, 2025 12:09 am
    Omg same ive been going crazy with bls lately and I think I should slow down as well sigh I love the fact that you share your honest opinions for you, and it is true that it can spark up interesting convos lol ... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Hey first you spoiled me that this is an omegaverse, it was on my want to read list and I was patiently waiting for it to be completed, now I no longer feel like reading it XD not sure if I should thank or resent you x')

    But that aside, it's funny how you guys went from stupid jokes to supernatural shit and ended up on real life worries, kinda cute too.

    I can't really relate since I'm way past this age and finally made peace with the fact that real life romance and sex are just not for me, and I'm old enough not to need to prove or justify myself to anyone. Just live your life however you can, experience stuff, get hurt and learn from it... That's just the way of life for us dumb ass humans. Some never learn and I wish for you not to be one of them.

    Also I don't believe in supernatural at all but still talk to my ghost and scold it when it does annoying shit in my house.
    even though I don't believe in it making it the ghost's fault makes it easier to accept and rant about the shit I can't explain xD

    But indeed, it got pretty deep starting from little nothings x')

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 15, 2025 11:23 pm
    Hey first you spoiled me that this is an omegaverse, it was on my want to read list and I was patiently waiting for it to be completed, now I no longer feel like reading it XD not sure if I should thank or rese... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Oh no it's not omegaverse the top is just a different.. Species. Also yeah I guess it did get pretty deep over "who the fuck are you " lmfao yeah I'm a massive believer in the supernatural so I hate it when things randomly move or I hear something speaking sigh tell me abt your love life now since you've (invitingly) pried into mine huhu idc how dry it is and I won't judge you if you don't wanna (am I a sociopath for leading that girl on?)

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 16, 2025 3:53 am
    Oh no it's not omegaverse the top is just a different.. Species. Also yeah I guess it did get pretty deep over "who the fuck are you " lmfao yeah I'm a massive believer in the supernatural so I hate it when thi... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    You're making me curious now
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Well my love life is not dry, it's just... Non existent. I fell in love often in my life, but I was never too crazy for physical contact, and to tell you the truth I've always found sex more tiring than pleasurable.
    I still managed to have 3 kids, but when I broke up with their dad, he kidnapped them.
    I reported it to the police, judges, child protection services and they said "ahhh? Okay."and that's it.
    After years of trying to get my kids back, it had been so long since my last relationship that I realized I didn't miss any of it, my life was less complicated and after what happened with my kids' dad, all I felt toward humans was distrust. I never had any feelings for anyone ever again.
    Now my kids are adults and I'm an old antisocial grumpy woman. I love dogs, I love food, I fucking love money and I love my little space (physical and spiritual) where nobody is welcome.

    As for that girl you played, if you want my honest opinion on that matter, you're a piece of shit and I hope you're reflecting on your actions.
    We are fragile creatures and things that can appear meaningless to you can literally destroy other people so you should always keep this in mind when your actions/behaviour involve more than just yourself.

    Thankfully you seem young so you can at least learn to be a better version of yourself, but beware,
    - adjusts fake beard and puts on an old dusty cape-
    life is short and the only things that you'll never get back are time and past actions. Life is a bitch that will never step up to help you and regrets won't ever fix what's been done.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 16, 2025 3:56 am
    Oh no it's not omegaverse the top is just a different.. Species. Also yeah I guess it did get pretty deep over "who the fuck are you " lmfao yeah I'm a massive believer in the supernatural so I hate it when thi... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Also, apologize to her. It won't change anything but it's the least you can do, knowing you were wrong.

    yabai February 16, 2025 5:05 pm

    You getting tired of romance im getting tired of toxic drama bs, i find it funny how i used to thought the same when i was younger which happened to be the opposite for you. Simply ive had enough dramas irl, i dont need it anymore here

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 16, 2025 9:50 pm
    You getting tired of romance im getting tired of toxic drama bs, i find it funny how i used to thought the same when i was younger which happened to be the opposite for you. Simply ive had enough dramas irl, i ... yabai

    Um, you know, toxic dramas and romance are not the two only genre...
    I personally love horror and comedy.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 16, 2025 11:57 pm
    Also, apologize to her. It won't change anything but it's the least you can do, knowing you were wrong. Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    I did apologise that's why she still thinks we're friends and stalks all my social media damn I lowk feel bad for you in more ways than one- do your kids still visit you? I hope you still have a lasting relationship with them, and their dad is a piece of shit so you highkey finessed that ending and I'm glad you turned out okay in the end mama

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 17, 2025 1:39 am
    I did apologise that's why she still thinks we're friends and stalks all my social media damn I lowk feel bad for you in more ways than one- do your kids still visit you? I hope you still have a lasting relat... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Alright, she's a fucking creep, block her and call the police xD
    But it's a good thing that you apologized, it doesn't erase what you've done but shits are clear on your end.

    I don't have any contact with them. Their colossal walking trash of a father skillfully brainwashed them into thinking that I abandoned them, and last time I got some news came from a judge:
    "Hey, how you doin bitch? Yo kids are abused by their step mother and their father passively watch them being ruined, have a great day!"
    Something along those lines (a bit more formal y'know)
    I wasted my life trying to save them just to hear that they resent me for not getting them back, I guess the judge kinda forgot to tell them about the hundreds letters they got from me ^^
    Anyway, that's how it is, and I'm not okay, I'm not okay at all... I just can't do anything.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 17, 2025 11:54 pm
    Alright, she's a fucking creep, block her and call the police xDBut it's a good thing that you apologized, it doesn't erase what you've done but shits are clear on your end.I don't have any contact with them. T... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    That's actually shit girl wtf?? Like here's a virtual hug ((((n)))) but you actually gotta get away from all that that piece of shit ex can rot and that judge is also a piece of shit but less so what the hell.. Take care of yourself dude

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 18, 2025 6:52 am
    That's actually shit girl wtf?? Like here's a virtual hug ((((n)))) but you actually gotta get away from all that that piece of shit ex can rot and that judge is also a piece of shit but less so what the hell.... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Yes, this is ridiculous, but, heh... My life is shit and that's just how it is.thankfully when I die everything will stop ^^
    I'm telling you ghosts better not exist because I'm gonna be the worst, I have many people to haunt and I won't stop with some sweet whispering and hiding stuff xD

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 19, 2025 12:28 am
    Yes, this is ridiculous, but, heh... My life is shit and that's just how it is.thankfully when I die everything will stop ^^I'm telling you ghosts better not exist because I'm gonna be the worst, I have many pe... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Omds I wanna be a ghost if I die before everyone I hate does because I'll finally be able to unleash all hell on them without having to face persecution

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 20, 2025 12:00 am
    Omds I wanna be a ghost if I die before everyone I hate does because I'll finally be able to unleash all hell on them without having to face persecution Isekai-ed into ur bed

    They can die before me, I don't mind dealing with them ghost Vs ghost, without the shackles of law x')

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 20, 2025 11:35 pm
    They can die before me, I don't mind dealing with them ghost Vs ghost, without the shackles of law x') Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Why is ghost vs ghost giving pirates of the Caribbean like not even ghostbusters but yeah that would be fun like imagine there's a birthday party going on and you guys are just wrestling each other in the corner

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 20, 2025 11:41 pm
    Why is ghost vs ghost giving pirates of the Caribbean like not even ghostbusters but yeah that would be fun like imagine there's a birthday party going on and you guys are just wrestling each other in the corn... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    We'd fight in the middle of the cake!
    Not gonna miss the fiesta just to give some well deserved shit to the assholes who ruined my life heh
    If I'm gonna be a bitch, I'll bitch all the way

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 20, 2025 11:46 pm
    We'd fight in the middle of the cake! ヽ(`Д´)ノNot gonna miss the fiesta just to give some well deserved shit to the assholes who ruined my life hehIf I'm gonna be a bitch, I'll bitch all the way Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Omds you're so real for that sometimes I just wanna let my inner bitchiness out but I care too much about how other people view me so I'm quite strict on how I act with others sigh I wish I had your confidence but my people pleasing arse just can't be truthful

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 21, 2025 3:30 am
    Omds you're so real for that sometimes I just wanna let my inner bitchiness out but I care too much about how other people view me so I'm quite strict on how I act with others sigh I wish I had your confidence ... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    Ahhh that's where you're mistaken, I just give as much shit about other people as they do about me: zero.
    I've never been able to lie, my mouth is faster than my brain and it greatly contributed to fuck me up

    Keep pleasing people if you have to interact with them, that's a talent I envy. Just keep in mind one thing: they are as hypocritical as you so no need to hold back for the sake of sincerity (I heard "it's called being civilized, which I'm not" xD).

    Honesty is the biggest scam of humanity, everybody praises it but can't handle it when they face it.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 21, 2025 3:44 am
    Omds you're so real for that sometimes I just wanna let my inner bitchiness out but I care too much about how other people view me so I'm quite strict on how I act with others sigh I wish I had your confidence ... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    This comment is the absolute proof that honesty isn't a good thing. Mofos would be rushing to my house with garden forks and flame for saying that this manhwa was "Just your basic nice romance with nothing else around, " instead of fussing over the couple if it weren't for the internet ffs

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 21, 2025 10:50 pm
    This comment is the absolute proof that honesty isn't a good thing. Mofos would be rushing to my house with garden forks and flame for saying that this manhwa was "Just your basic nice romance with nothing else... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Why do I feel like I've unlocked something for both of us bro my brain is waaay faster than my mouth so I end up stuttering a lot sigh you truly are a wise sage huh all you need is the staff and the cloak now lol ig it is good to know at least one person seasoned in the test of life

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 22, 2025 1:32 am
    Why do I feel like I've unlocked something for both of us bro my brain is waaay faster than my mouth so I end up stuttering a lot sigh you truly are a wise sage huh all you need is the staff and the cloak now ... Isekai-ed into ur bed

    I've already started to cultivate a beard, I hope I'll keep it as a ghost ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    yabai February 22, 2025 7:35 pm
    Um, you know, toxic dramas and romance are not the two only genre...I personally love horror and comedy. Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Oh i totally get it, dont worry. Since you're comparing this manhwa to be "light, nothing much happened" i think itd make sense for anyone to compare the manhwa with another that screams the opposite of light drama and positive...? Or at least for me, i believe these two are what dirtiest high really stands out for. So thats where the toxic drama, came from. My apologies for my weak english, its not my mother language.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed February 22, 2025 10:52 pm
    I've already started to cultivate a beard, I hope I'll keep it as a ghost ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Oh that'll be wicked if you do

Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 3, 2025 8:00 pm

Season 1 was cute and hilarious
Season 2 was okay
Season 3 felt endless and boring, it was mostly about the protagonists' sex life and it REALLY wasn't what I expected nor wanted at this point
I think I'd have rated it 5* if it had stopped at season 1...

Master Of Unpopular Opinions February 1, 2025 2:17 pm

How does this have less chapters everytime I come back to see how it's going?

Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 26, 2025 8:45 am

It could have been funny but the comedy has drowned in the smut, so it was just boring.
And ugly.
And not immersive at all.
Like, I don't give a flying fck about any of the characters, I don't care about what they do or what they think and why, and I know what's happening to them, they fuck. All the freaking time they fuck and in between, the author decided that we didn't want to see them so they just fuck and voilà. Maybe they'll be fucking dor the whole 45 chapters?

I don't know if anything happens later on but I couldn't go further, it took me 3 days to read these 20 chapters just because of how uninteresting it was...

Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 19, 2025 4:02 am

Maybe you'd look up yourself the definition of "coercion", huh, rational person?

"coercion is rape EVERYWHERE bro ToT"
That's not what coercion is.

    sapphics lover January 19, 2025 4:10 am

    if someone uses coercive methods to get sex then yes that would be rape because the would mean the other person didnt actually want to do it.
    (idk how well this applies in the story, i didnt read it, i just saw your comment)

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 19, 2025 4:31 am
    if someone uses coercive methods to get sex then yes that would be rape because the would mean the other person didnt actually want to do it. (idk how well this applies in the story, i didnt read it, i just saw... sapphics lover

    Oh don't worry about it, I don't even remember this story but this is the answer to a comment that I liked because I agreed with the message but I didn't think a applied to the story when I replied. But weeks later the kid came back and ended up telling me "coercion is rape EVERYWHERE bro ToT", so no, coercion can lead to rape but that's not what it is.
    Coercion can make you buy useless shit, sign unfair contracts, leave you homeless for no reason, enter a cult... coercion have a bigger range of effects than rape.

    When I explained this, the so "rational" kid blocked me calling "me" a shit stain and my "narrative" dangerous so I'm just suggesting to her to check the definition of a word she uses without understanding it, that's all ^^

    susej January 19, 2025 7:15 pm
    Oh don't worry about it, I don't even remember this story but this is the answer to a comment that I liked because I agreed with the message but I didn't think a applied to the story when I replied. But weeks l... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    lol you're giving the genral definition of coercion, thats why context is very much inportant in arguments or debates. in this case we are talking about coercion in terms sexual harassment. rape itself has its own spectrum, in my country rape is not only unconsented sexual penetration but also forceful and/or unwanted touching or unwelcoming sexual behaviors/innuendos. any law where you can find, they always have coercion as a ground for rape. so the bottom line, coercion is still rape, just not aggravated one.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 20, 2025 1:00 am
    lol you're giving the genral definition of coercion, thats why context is very much inportant in arguments or debates. in this case we are talking about coercion in terms sexual harassment. rape itself has its ... susej

    Well I also mentioned the cultural aspect this, since in [my] country coercion is coercion, rape is rape and sexual assault is also considered and handled differently and it's after I mentioned it that I got the "coercion is rape EVERYWHERE bro ToT", by someone who seems to think that coercion IS a sexual behavior, and when I tried to explain that it's not that I got blocked and insulted.
    No hard feeling, just explaining to the kid that words have precise meaning, and that "her rational self" should know them if she doesn't want "shit stains" like myself to "blow up her notification with my dangerous narrative on such a sensible subject".
    And as I also mentioned, I ain't gonna argue on this specific manga since I don't remember it well, it was weeks ago.
    She is the very reason why adults hate interacting with kids, she doesn't even have to agree heh, that's how we hold interesting conversations... But welp. At least I said what I wanted without being forcibly shut up.

    susej January 20, 2025 5:28 am
    Well I also mentioned the cultural aspect this, since in [my] country coercion is coercion, rape is rape and sexual assault is also considered and handled differently and it's after I mentioned it that I got th... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    well, seeing the original comment, it doesn't have to be that deep and while i agree to both of you, you just unnecessary made it much of a big deal. thats how we acknowledge such type of sexual harassment here, think of it as a slang.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 20, 2025 7:16 am
    well, seeing the original comment, it doesn't have to be that deep and while i agree to both of you, you just unnecessary made it much of a big deal. thats how we acknowledge such type of sexual harassment here... susej

    Hey, gonna say it again but I upvoted her original comment because I agreed with it and answered only because there are literally thousands of manga here that fitted her review perfectly, whereas here wasn't the case.

    I alsooo mentioned the cultural, legal and literal aspects of the strong words she used on her comment and even the fact that I don't know shit about the country the author is from so I couldn't state a definite opinion on this matter.

    I don't understand why she caught fire, started insulting me and blocking me, when you write a public post you accept that some people may disagree or/and simply might want to interact, that's just how it works.

    So since she tried to force my mouth shut, I forced my answer anyways even though I'm not uneducated enough to insult her.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 20, 2025 7:18 am
    Hey, gonna say it again but I upvoted her original comment because I agreed with it and answered only because there are literally thousands of manga here that fitted her review perfectly, whereas here wasn't th... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    And I just noticed that I can't post any emojis from my keyboard in the comments, why is that???

    LOLZ January 21, 2025 6:19 am

    Hello!! I read the whole argument you had with the other person and I think I see where you’re disagreeing:p I think they meant “consent IS rape” only in the sexual context of course!! Coercion in the context of losing your home would obviously be a whole different situation. Coercion is rape in a SEXUAL CONTEXT ONLY. It’s quite a sensitive topic yk can’t say I’m surprised by their reaction. I understand there’s some cultural differences here but coercion is typically considered a lesser form of rape solely because it’s less aggressive. I’m not sure what it’s like for your country socially or legally but here in America it’s a bit of the same thing. You wouldn’t be outright jailed for coercion it’s hard to prove. Socially it’s heavily shunned but legally…the justice system wouldn’t do much for you. Idk but you seem to agree with what really matters so I’m not taking it to heart.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 21, 2025 4:01 pm
    Hello!! I read the whole argument you had with the other person and I think I see where you’re disagreeing:p I think they meant “consent IS rape” only in the sexual context of course!! Coercion in the con... LOLZ

    Honestly, I didn't see it as an argument, it was just a conversation about cultural differences to me so I think that kind of reaction is very childish and disrespectful.

    In France, if you are coerced into having sex, you could sue for coercion only, as you clearly stated your consent. Without penetration, you could report a sexual assault, but still not rape.

    And in any of the 3 cases, the perpetrator(s) would barely get punished, they'd mostly end up with a fine that they'd probably never pay... And at this there are more variables like their and the victim's age, appearance, social status, family, origins, and even the cop you reported it to and the judge's mood and prejudices.

    Finally, I don't know how all of these are considered in the author's country so once again, I won't and can't give an objective opinion on this manga.

    As my personal feeling, anyone who can't take "no", no matter the context, should simply drop dead, dissolve, be blown by the wind and forcefully enter the throats of their fellow pieces of shit until they choke to death and repeat this wonderful cycle lol.
    I'd make a great god, don't you think? No half assed shit x')

    But seriously, I understand cultural differences and I'm not exactly proud of my country, especially when it comes justice and morals, so I'd rather not be insulted about it, I didn't choose it.

    LOLZ January 21, 2025 7:41 pm
    Hey,Honestly, I didn't see it as an argument, it was just a conversation about cultural differences to me so I think that kind of reaction is very childish and disrespectful.In France, if you are coerced into h... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    I totally get what you’re saying!! In America you can take someone to court but if there’s evidence of you saying “yes” then it can be used against you which sucks. The likelihood of the victim winning the case is low. I think there’s a lot of children on here and their comprehension skills aren’t the best…they say a lot of unhinged things and are quite narrow minded:p anyways don’t take any name calling TOO seriously on this website, its filled with people that will attack you for no reason. (I’ve had my fair share of encountersΣ(  ̄□ ̄||) and yes you would make a great god LOL

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 21, 2025 9:35 pm
    I totally get what you’re saying!! In America you can take someone to court but if there’s evidence of you saying “yes” then it can be used against you which sucks. The likelihood of the victim winning ... LOLZ

    Yea I don't really take it too heart but being cut off like this is what pissed me off, so being insulted on top of that was just enough to trigger a response from me.

    I've got my childish sides too, being an old rag doesn't mean I do feng shui, drink tea and look over the world silently with a cat on my lap and a gentle smile on my lips ^^

    I said my part now so she can keep on insulting me, dissing me or she can even cast a curse on the 12 future generations of my family, idgaf. I feel rejuvenated xD

Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 13, 2025 4:22 am

And some not so good stuff here...
First, the art. The art was good and the women were pretty.
Second, the antagonist.
She was really absent from the book yet when she finally acted, it was really meaningful.
It didn't resolve the whole vampire situation and she was an antagonist only for the main character but managed to end at the same time too blandly and with a spectacular effect.
And the story in that aspect was quite interesting, not fabulous but enough to have a not so bad time.

Now I gotta say I'm a bit confused by the vampires. Their categorization was a good idea but not really exploited.
They were introduced as some kind of disease and I liked the idea, but it went nowhere and was completely cancelled with the holy water shit, I now understand that it was only a way to justify the whole holy blood thing but I find the disease version more attractive .

The Keith family thing, on the other end, was brillant. The father is certainly the worst sick shit I've seen in a while, but the background story of the Clifford family is awesome in their universe, I didn't see that coming and was satisfied with the main lead situation in the story.

I also liked the fact that this romance was very chaste but constant .

Oh, and the little cousins were absolutely forsaken by the end ^^'

Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 9, 2025 4:27 am

I loved it.
It was interesting and I wasn't constantly flooded with sex scenes for no reason,
there wasn't any pothole,
no rape for no reason,
There were consequences to actions,
the main couple didn't just fall in love because fuck you,
the art was good,
the protagonists, antagonists and the story as a whole were interesting,
The top had nipples all hail the nips,
The author didn't threw in some fate or fake ass reunion that had no purpose nor reason to happen,
The main couple didn't end up as the two last humans of their world,
The dichotomy wasn't aggressive,
And finally I really needed this after dropping again a story about nothing, just sex in every chapters.

If I had to find a flaw, there was a little incoherence in the beginning, when Hansoo decided to stop acting and yoohan went after him, he was making a fuss about how he didn't even bother getting his number but a little bit later, yoohan calls him and he thinks "at least he didn't delete my number".
Might be a little mess up with the translation though and it didn't have any incidence on the story.

The real and only problems with this manhwa are:
1)The upload
Double upload
Triple upload
It was a real mess to read, go back, check the chapter and skip once or twice to get the right chapter, it was honestly annoying I wish mangago would fix this
2) Everything I read after this will feel like shit xD

Oh and the owner of Alice's labyrinth is the MVP of this story, I laughed so hard because of him I thought I'd dislocate my jaws x')


    lee January 9, 2025 4:50 am

    i completely agree!! best BL ever.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions January 9, 2025 8:13 am
    i completely agree!! best BL ever. lee

    I don't know if it's the best ever but it goes right in my top 3, it was fcking awesome
    Really had a good time here ^^

    1004 January 10, 2025 3:45 am

    you have the best review in my years of reading in mangago (‾▿‾)

    bbyekai January 10, 2025 8:37 am

    I don't exactly remember the details for the number thing... But it could be that yoohan doesn't have hansoo's number but hansoo has yoohan's number. And after yoohan realised he doesn't have hansoo's number, he got it after.

    Maybe it has to do with the KakaoTalk app ┑( ̄V  ̄)┍ not sure

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