Bis want to do ( All 1 )

read more yuri

Bis's experience ( All 1 )

Bis 29 01,2021
I'm honestly surprised seeing a topic about Yuri- it isn't popular so as a yuri-only reader it's nice to see people ask for suggestions. Anyways I like the following: Semelparous, has a lot of action so this is one of my favorites (ongoing) Looking Up To Magical Girls, it's really funny in my opinion......   1 reply
29 01,2021

Bis's answer ( All 10 )

So Accurate there's no need for any commentary   reply
23 07,2021
Kirasaya. Cause there is NO FUCKING WAY they are not canon if you've read the latest chapters in the manga. Not to mention the tower of doors arc OR COUGH COUGH Official Art.   reply
21 06,2021
Lmfao ya'll-   reply
19 06,2021
about lmao
'So anyways, I knew I was a lesbian when-' Is what my therapist will be hearing   reply
18 06,2021

Bis's question ( All 3 )

^ Speaks for itself
But I'll go first, Kakegurui

Not sure why I saw this on the "Anime you hate that everyone loves" as far as I've seen people do not mix "Kakegurui" and "love" together at all. There's always a complaint regarding it's name.

I 'm not here to fight with anyone either, I see why people don't like it. They sexualized the females to the max, it was just plain uncomfortable and disturbing.
The thing I liked was the plot itself, I found it entertaining and something I enjoy. The way they had continuous gambles one episode after another, keeping the watchers entertained. It's not like there were repetitive either, there were different gambles and different risks. It far better than having 1-2 episodes of pure talking without any action whatsoever. <-- Take sao for an example, it's a fantasy anime known for fighting but there were a lot of episodes were it was just talking after talking, rarely any explanation that helped us with the plot, it worsened throughout the seasons too.

The anime is not something I really enjoyed because them bitches were turned on 24/7 and hearing them moan like that was just not it. ... The manga however.

Okay uhm, don't get me wrong. The manga was the same. All though I find it better than the anime for multiple reasons.
1. The scenes were they were turned on only lasted a page (maybe 2)

2. It wasn't excessive, compared to the anime the quantity regarding the scene lessened (Scene was Shorter compared to the anime, obvious though, it's manga)

3. It wasn't Voice Acted. scrolling and skipping the scene was far better than pressing forward and only skipping a third of the scene leaving me to hear some of it unless I press forward multiple times, then my screen would just buffer

4. The scenes where they were turned on is all we got, none of those skirt to thigh close ups or whatever (not as far as I've remember at least)

5. I c o u l d s k i p t h e s c e n e a n d f o r g e t i t h a p p e n e d .


7. Actually interesting. The studio went ahead and did their own thing with the Rei Bastsubami which added drama. In the manga we went straight from the Manyuda vs Yumeko Gamble, to The Tower of Doors, to the Election which kept us proceeding through the story. I felt as though the whole Rei Bastsubami situation held us back and caused us to focus on something else

Well that's all I got, I ain't tryna make anyone go read this, this is just my opinion. It's gotten far more interesting with the election though aka recent chapters. I'm just saying that because the Anime was so weird I went to the manga and think it's better so It kinda saddens me seeing people hate on it so much. They have a good reason to though.

Free opinions ╮( ̄ へ ̄)╭

For anyone who read the entire thing Kudos to you for listening to my rant.
12 03,2021
Bis 05 03,2021
So, fellow Yuri Readers, I'm not sure if you've noticed but we've had an unexpected increase in new yuri manhwas.

And I Mean UNEXPECTED. I was rereading a lot of the yuri manhwas that were completed or older ones along with some mangas when I noticed there were a lot of newer ones.

How do you guys feel? Cause I know for a fact I'm happy so see some new Yuri Stories

Here's some if you haven't noticed:
Best Friends
Sora and Haena!
Request To Leave
Beast of The Blue Obsidian
Would You? Could You?
Unrequited Love Skill
Kill Switch
Program Me
Sea Of June
Hate Me
After The Curtain Call

Probably Some More but some noticeable manhwas that have risen in popularity
05 03,2021
Bis 15 02,2021
What's a picture or panel that made you forget about oxygen?
15 02,2021

People are doing

want to do dates

all the fine shyts in the world and i'm still single

2 hours
want to do let me just scream

i hate school i hate work i hate responsibility i wanna get out of here

2 hours
did made true friends

i think so until i tell them i wanna die and they just keep talking about sex

10 hours