I just finished reading the missing chapter from 5-22 and I can say confidently say this was NOT some “misunderstanding” like the ml said. It was clear the ml thought the mc was a substitute and the ml even said with his own mouth “I never seem to have said we were in a relationship” and “We just live together and at best we can only count as bed mates” like huh? Why did you say that then?

Who is the ml? Im about the start reading this but its still confusing plz someone explain

If you don’t mind a spoiler from the Novel/Extras.
It’s the commander/blond guy.
It started as a harem but the 2 of them will be the end game.
He literally cannot live without our boy MC after they killed Almuten.
MC also cannot live without ML because of what will happen with his big bro.
So they will end up together, eventually away and out of contact from the rest of the guys. The other guys will also back away even after they meet him during their reunion.
Daisy is so dumb me personally I would have gone with orsen and not with someone who didn’t look for me for 13 DAMN YEARS.