Back then sexuality and gender were more tied up, so “homosexual” would refer to men that presented more feminine, not necessarily men attracted to men (same thing with women and lesbians). It was seen as gender “inversion”. So men that had sex with men were still seen, essentially, as straight as long as they topped and were masculine. Those men were still able to return to their wives and jobs, and were still seen as “normal”. It was the feminine men that were more likely the bottoms than were seen as outside of “the norm”.
I have to mention, in Harlem (1920s ish) there were massive drag balls (and other smaller parties), where ppl would cross dress. Some of these parties had thousands of attendees, and some were middle/upper class white ppl. There were also smaller scale, queer-centric parties. Performing, like at jazz clubs, also gave ppl freedom to experiment with their gender presentation (Gladys Bentley is the best we all stan).
Things of course progressively changed. The Great Depression ended the larger scale parties, but of course there was still a queer community within Harlem. the lavender scare (1940-70s) caused queer people to be be fired from their jobs, and queer ppl were excluded from the GI bill plus dishonorably discharged from the military. The state actively punishing queer ppl helped cement heterosexuality as the norm and homosexuality as “deviant”.
Anyways it makes sense why a straight man won’t see topping someone as gay LMAO
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Happy pride month everyone