from what i remember it seems like xiao was in an, at least, toxic relationship. speaking from personal experience having a close relationship with someone end, whether its from toxic behaviour throughout the relationship or not, it makes it hard to trust people again, ESPECIALLY especially if it was your lover and uiure trying to date again. never even dated and i know that much

Yes, Its understandable but the problem is how he doesnt communicate. I know trauma and trust issues makes it hard for you to date again or even make friends but what hes doing is going from nice and then distance again, i know sometimes people cant help it but, hes giving him hope only to distace him self again, and even if he had some type of trauma it isnt fair to Mo, he may have trust issues but in à relationship, communication is key. If something is préventing that i think he should find some type of help or closure before coming back only to leave again. À relationship is two ways, how can they help each other when one doesnt talk about it?
Hes also giving Mo trust issues, he comes around being sweet and helping him then going to cold and distant, i know sometimes you cant help but think of the bad times when your happy, but again i think if hes having those issues he should get therapy or just talk to someone even Mo. Having trust issues does make it harder to do so but trauma doesnt have to get in the way of à good relationship.
Im not liké a Pro or anything and I Hope this isnt offensive, its just coming from someone who had trust issues and has leaned how to talk about it.
This isnt meant to be rude or anything so please dont take it that way, Thank you for listening, well reading!

ah no no i totally agree with this! i can get really defensive when it comes to stuff like this but i try to never excuse the bad behaviour. xiao definitely needs to talk about it with someone, thats pretty much the only way to recover once youre away from the person.
i totally got what you meant n everything, i really do agree. the comments bashing him just made me so furious, its like people dont even try to understand where an actions coming from, even if its bad. but yeah youre totally right he needs to talk about it with someone, anyone. i get the feeling hes gonna start properly opening up to mo soon(ish). it seems like hes beginning to realise hes trustworthy so lets hope for that! >:D

Some people tend to be a bit Insenstive about trauma, Or just à bit ignorant so i just try my best to help them see it in à différent way without sounding rude, I think helping people see when theyre being Insenstive not only helps with stuff liké this but also helps then in other situations in real life!
I agree! I cant wait

i was just gonna see what people had to say about this one cause the cover interested me and i see some 2016 type shit yall reading a sentence online wont do anything, if you spread it youre just increasing the chance someone suffering from paranoia or ocd seeing it and having delusions or a breakdown
wait im a moron it was in the top 10 yaoi section
No way you did same thing as me lol
I was like "where the f is update?" and then realized I just clicked on top 10
well, idk about you, but that makes me feel better know im not alone lmao
i thought the same lmaoo