meill's experience ( All 0 )

meill's answer ( All 1 )

15 and is being sexual harrassed by my own father He started two years ago. I don't know how to stop this , and I don't want to tell my mom nor my brothers because our family would fall apart and it's already toxic before. I am so desperate to get out of here or just die. I don't have any close friends.I may used to but eh. But it's not like im des......   5 reply
03 11,2020

meill's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

It was because I thought life was harsh on me, I was very young and how the society works was already eating me up.

2 hours
did tried to kill yourself

but now i live a happy and fufilled life :), friends, mindfullness, spending time with nature, going to the gym, eating well, all helped me!

4 hours
did tried to kill yourself

i have sm attempts but one attempt is still fresh to my mind, when i was a kid i wanted to off myself and i tried to strangle myself..

6 hours