I liked the manhwa straight from the beginning. I didn't even know, why.. I've never seen something like this before and I kinda look up to Jaerim. He doesn't have the looks but guts, even more than Yuri. He deserves Yuri. No, I guess, they deserve eachother. Those girls... I guess, I don't have to say anything about them... I'm looking forward to the rest ♡
Is sooooo cuuuute >____< I like hiw Tsumugi isn't that "soft", that she is able ti lile her body like it is. Somehow sge makes me proud, gives me, and I think, other girls /boys confidence. Her boyfriend hm yeah, squishy s pretty funny haha, they look cute together and I like, how he's hot for Tsumugi :3 I look forward to updates *- *
Omg I'm sorry for all the mistakes T-T