Chimmy4405 March 3, 2021 1:25 am

Like just please im rlly rooting for this but if you do smth while he sleeps im dropping this istg

    camsan March 3, 2021 1:44 am

    He doesn’t do anything he’s just imagining it

Chimmy4405 March 3, 2021 1:21 am


So who's about to clap a bitch

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 6:08 pm

This is my favourite side couple

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 5:59 pm

These comments are vile.

Youre literally saying rape is okay because he's an android. Are you fucking okay?? He still has FEELINGS. he can still FEEL sex. He can feel some guy he doesnt love FORCING HIMSELF onto him

If any of you disagree with this, youre literally sick

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 5:55 pm

Just have some fucking character development and get together you physco man eating hefelump bitches

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 12:50 pm

I feel bag for kangjoon tbh, hes being treated like crap :,) I hope he gets a side couple story

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 11:48 am

FUCK NAHHHH. River let me tell you this straight

If you DARE go back to that ass hole ESPECIALLY when hiel is in so much pain right now

im dropping this

While I genuinely do feel for the white haired god, (you can't blame me- while qhat he did to river sucked, he had his true love ripped apart from him, ofc he was gonna try get him back) hiel is better than him, hiel was ALWAYS there for you. So leave that place and go find him

LARRY WE RLLY GONNA- im from Britain you fucking bitch you should be terrified

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 11:43 am

Yall hating on ian- bruh I get what he's doing is massively fucked but youre literally forgetting what he went through

His lover turned out to be a physcopath and cut out his eye- you think YOU'D be normal after that? What he's doing is shit but stop acting like he's doing this because he wants to, he's clearly mentally unstable and youre normalising what HE went through

Ian pack it up you little bitch, your ex is gone so cherish this one

    Tsunmimi March 10, 2021 8:23 pm

    Dude no one is normalizing it it’s funny how y’all twist stuff one is normalizing it...but if everyone gives an excuse of ohhh blame my inhuman behavior on my past trauma then everyone will be a can I cyber bully you because I’ve been cyber bullied before and I have trauma....are you saying it’s okay what he’s doing or no rather people shouldn’t bash him for this....and should be understanding
    Ok but what of what Adam went through and what he’s going through now with Ian...after all you’re not gonna tell me Adam was treated nice where Ian found him

    Chimmy4405 March 11, 2021 12:10 am
    Dude no one is normalizing it it’s funny how y’all twist stuff one is normalizing it...but if everyone gives an excuse of ohhh blame my inhuman behavior on my past trauma then everyone will be ... Tsunmimi

    OK you clearly didn't understand me. I read many comments about how ian is this and that but a lot of them were saying he has no excuse to be thr way he is

    What hes doing is fucked up and I hate him for it, however he's the way he is because of his past. No he shouldn't act like this at all, he's being a little bitch
    But he does have a reason why he's like this and no ones acknowledging that.

    So pls dont twist MY words.

    Tsunmimi March 11, 2021 12:23 am
    OK you clearly didn't understand me. I read many comments about how ian is this and that but a lot of them were saying he has no excuse to be thr way he is What hes doing is fucked up and I hate him for it, how... Chimmy4405

    Ahhhh I understand now.....I should have read other comments to see if anyone really commented such and if they did then that’s just crazy for normalizing torture....thank you for clearing it out and I’m sorry if I misinterpreted it,

    Chimmy4405 March 11, 2021 11:02 am
    Ahhhh I understand now.....I should have read other comments to see if anyone really commented such and if they did then that’s just crazy for normalizing torture....thank you for clearing it out and I’m so... Tsunmimi

    Don't apologise its okay :)

Chimmy4405 March 1, 2021 11:27 am

I'd give it 5 stars but its gets 4 now

The scene with him being forced into the bathroom was never finished

The side couple is practically non existent

We dk what the grandpa thinks

There's just a lot of stuff unfinished as if the author said OK im bored now

Chimmy4405 February 28, 2021 8:01 pm

Before I read it, its says tragedy, is it upsetting and do people die? cause like- i rlly don't wanna read anything upsetting rn :,)

    Anon March 2, 2021 5:30 am
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    Chimmy4405 March 2, 2021 9:42 pm
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    Chimmy4405 March 3, 2021 1:17 am
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    I've read it, its rlly sweet :) I just came back from 10 years where I loved you the most hence i don't want a tragedy rn lmao

    Robin G March 7, 2021 12:50 pm

    Nothing of that sort

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