seok il loves him so much he was willing to forgive him for cheating- if he even knows he cheated like- but this better not be the end cause if it is that was rushed af :,)
I will not be kinda sad...... If they don't end up together and Joowon gets hurt again...... I swear I'll be frustrated af and fucking sad and I would definitely cry.... Not that he might not end up with Haesoo but if ever gets rejected and hurt again........
I'm grateful there are still people who choose this ship. let's hug together we have to believe that Oya oya oya
ofc!! Jowoon loves him but he has a hard time showing his affection, tae gives me bad vibes for some reason but mainly cause he knows he's messing uo jowoons relationship
I will not be kinda sad...... If they don't end up together and Joowon gets hurt again...... I swear I'll be frustrated af and fucking sad and I would definitely cry.... Not that he might not end up with Hae... Nicky
So like I fr ship them but we already know sadly that they won't be together, but I hope minhyuk realises hes drunk and shouldn't go further than kissing
seok il loves him so much he was willing to forgive him for cheating- if he even knows he cheated like- but this better not be the end cause if it is that was rushed af :,)