Everyone’s complaining so much about this for such dumb reasons.
- No the prince wasn’t a terrible guy in his past life. He executed her because she murdered his brother.
- No she doesn’t suck because she got caught, they’re literally explaining how he has abnormal intuition, princes I’m sure would be able to spot assassins bc the attempts usually made on their lives. Other characters don’t have to suck to make the FL shine, and it’s okay to have weaknesses because it makes the character way more realistic.
Also I’m glad she got caught early because now I know we’re not gonna have like 15 cliff hangers of "omg did he catch her" and a dumb arc about rebuilding trust in their relationship. Just because it doesn’t fit all the typical tropes you like in a manga doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Agreed. While she clearly doesnt like the prince and his people due to her past life she hasn't villified them. She actually has a brain and used it to direct her revenge at the correct people, scummy emperor and princess.
Story is also clearly setting up for a redemption arc. All the little details pointing out how crappy her home country is compared to the enemy nation and what we know on scummy emperor definitely setting up for perspective change. Likely see some new info soon that will justify most of the crown princes actions.

Uh sorry but you're clearly the majority when you take into consideration all the likes you got compared to the dislikes and the fact that I've seen more people defending him (like people typically defend a-holes) than not (PLUS, even among the few people who are judging the prince I have seen even fewer judging him for the things you're claiming they are. As for myself, I never accused him of wrongfully killing her or claimed that she doesn't have blood on her hands. My point, which should have been obvious, was that he killed her while having the b**** princess at his side, who was definitely more of a mastermind than a pawn. So either he didn't know the FL was a pawn and he's absolutely as lacking in intelligence as I told someone else he was. OR he knew she was a pawn but thought it was fine for a pawn to be tortured and killed while the masterminds got off scot free which just makes him utter trash. So hopefully, you're not going to tell me you prefer him to be trash than being unintelligent... right?).

I was quite happy when I saw that she wasn't going to trust the guy who killed her while letting the masterminds go in her past life. It strays from the usual cliche of the FL being written to give the ML a pass just because he hasn't done truly horrible things to her (yes, I'm aware that he likely isn't the one who tortured her. When I said he was fine with her being tortured I was obviously referring to the fact that he was comfortable seeing the FL's condition at that time), he's been the only person who was ever nice to her even for a brief moment or he's the hero/ML.

I was obviously referring to the comments I specifically quoted. Why are you defending something I didn’t even mention. It’s fine to have negative opinions on characters, in fact I don’t care if you like the characters or not, but the ones I directly referenced were being spammed and clogging space in the comments for actual conversations about the manga.
No need to defend an opinion that didn’t even come into question, put your energy into something more useful.

Also I did see critique’s about him being with the blonde girl. I specifically didn’t add that because I thought it was alright to criticize him / the writing for it. I don’t really agree though because we don’t get enough back story on the events and manipulation that led to him siding with them. All I know is that it’s painfully obvious to execute someone that murdered your brother.
Wtf happened to the art