dr43's experience ( All 0 )

dr43's answer ( All 1 )

about question
I distract myself with phone games, listening to pop music, or just making up stories in my head..   reply
10 01,2021

dr43's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being really bad at drawing

I wasn't naturally gifted with painting or drawing but I have a strong obsession with stuff once I take interest in it. This hobby heals me.

1 minutes
did travel the world

Yeah it's good for your soul and heart. I've been to 50 or more countries in my 20ish life. Not bad if I say so myself.

5 minutes
did twitter account

I have 4. 3 personal accounts in 3 languages. 1 for edu & pro stuff - I heavily use English & other 6/7 languages.

9 minutes