There was no yaoi tag that's why I read this for the fluff and slice of life. And don't come at me, I do read yaoi but I don't like when it's like this where kiddo has feelings for his adoptive father. Yeah, I get it they aren't blood related but it still give me an ick because that man consider the guy as his son and practically raised him to adulthood. Don't blame some of the people who are disappointed and feels deceived. And yes, i will be dropping this.
I was about to ask when is the release of the next season, but the comment section is a mess . I feel so awkward asking this question (≧∀≦) while everyone is fighting. Okay, I will just quitely disappear and let everyone continue their fight
There is no fight. I only attack people who accuse Jaekyung of raping Dan which he did not. I don't need to give justifications. There is no rape in jinx and they are mad that I am right without providing any proof. I needn't to.
Safety Sentinel is a cyberstalker.
The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.
It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.
Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.
The cyberstalker's alt acs is Shielded guard. Do not be fooled by his gaslighting. He is notorious for defending rapists notably Jaekyung and excessive use of Chatgpt.
A cyberstalker under the guise of "Bold Advocate," .. "Bold Advocate" is indeed a cyberstalker who has been involved in harassment. Their attempt to frame others and misrepresent the facts only highlights their ongoing efforts to deflect from their own misconduct.
If "Bold Advocate" is truly honest, they should come forward with their real profile name rather than hiding behind stolen identities and false claims about their targets.
This tactic is just another example of their attempts to avoid responsibility and mislead others. The focus should remain on addressing the harassment and ensuring that accurate information is shared.
The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.
It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.
Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.
Can the cyberstalker above cease denying my own identity? I am Morning diamonds. Who are you to say I am not? Stop stalking me all around this comsec. You are too obsessed. I already said I'm not a minor, why are you still here? You will not be able to groom any more underaged users.
A cyberstalker under the guise of "Shielded Guard" .. "Morning diamonds" is indeed a cyberstalker who has been involved in harassment. Their attempt to frame others and misrepresent the facts only highlights their ongoing efforts to deflect from their own misconduct.
If "Shielded guard" is truly honest, they should come forward with their real profile name rather than hiding behind stolen identities and false claims about their targets. In fact, their main account name is Morning diamonds.
This tactic is just another example of their attempts to avoid responsibility and mislead others. The focus should remain on addressing the harassment and ensuring that accurate information is shared.
The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.
It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.
Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.
The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.
It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.
Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.
A cyberstalker under the guise of "Shielded Guard" .. "Morning diamonds" is indeed a cyberstalker who has been involved in harassment. Their attempt to frame others and misrepresent the facts only highlights their ongoing efforts to deflect from their own misconduct.
If "Shielded guard" is truly honest, they should come forward with their real profile name rather than hiding behind stolen identities and false claims about their targets. In fact, their main account name is Morning diamonds.
This tactic is just another example of their attempts to avoid responsibility and mislead others. The focus should remain on addressing the harassment and ensuring that accurate information is shared.
The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.
It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.
Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interaction.
The warning was there for the physical violence Jaekyung committed onto Dan. There is no sexual abuse or rape in Jinx.
Please avoid engaging with the cyberstalkers who are impersonating others. They’re trying to create confusion and escalate the situation. Responding can make things worse. For your safety and to prevent further harm, it’s best to ignore and block them rather than interacting.
My stalker is above. My account is older.