i'm sorry guys i tried to upload the official translation because the unofficial team doing it didn't want their chapters here. but now it is a mess and idk how to fix it with mangago :( there used to be 2 chapters missing (22 and 23) and also all the chapter numbers are wrong, but i can't delete the old chapters and mangago isn't changing the chapter names. the old chapter 23-78 are actually chapter 24-79. and old chapter 1-22 are 0-21. also there are some duplicates and out of order extra chapters, but again idk how to fix it. i am really sorry it is messy now T_T. please if experienced uploaders know what to do pls help

is this a sad ending?? i see some comments mentioning the mc died T_T. please spoil me because i don't want to start if it will end sadly

No it's not. Mc had a dream where he died by old age in ML's arms. That can be future of their, but it means they'll be together until the day mc dies, and as ml aka our dear dragon has been using his magic to make himself aged, eventually he'll die w mc too. Until then they've lived happily ever after together and died together as well.

chase and joel's relationship seems kind of forced at the end. like what does chase even like about joel except his face and body?? he found joel totally gross and a slob and inconsiderate. joel was oblivious to everything except suddenly in the last few chapters of the main story he couldn't live without chase anymore?! felt so forced and rushed. i just don't like chase tbh and joel is a terrible father to jesse so it's hard to like him too.
thank you uploader, i've wanted to read this story for a while!