Sou’ created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

When he said everybody knows that reminded me of that one sound "everybody knows , everybody knows that he f you "

Sou’ created a topic of Our Sunny Days

He is a good man savannah A Good Man !

Sou’ created a topic of Night Song

Every dialogue was so clear in this chapter !

Sou’ created a topic of Frey!

If i know one thing is that , that man is NOT trustworthy

Blud think he is in bridgerton

Sou’ created a topic of Thirst

Just kill this old bitch already and his stupid puppy too, then end of the story everyone happy .

Sou’ created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

Damn can we move on ? Liike im so tired of this bs and this bitch of a “brother”

Sou’ created a topic of Love in Orbit
Sou’ created a topic of Foul's Start

Bitch be like " do whatver y want " then boiling up inside , stop the act , we know there is gonna be tears drop on your pillows tonight

Sou’ created a topic of An Abyss

Okay so we’ve seen enough of shahid and yesing
somersaults , can we just move on already poor yesing , also i prefer the unofficial translations they make more sense for me .

Sou’ created a topic of The Third Ending

This fake update did us so dirty , i clicked real fast for nothing ?!

a rapist and his victim should never end up together but hey since I got involved in this story and it got better I might as well finish it, let’s pretend it never happened . (I know it's fiction, I don't want debates below my comment thank you)

Sou’ created a topic of Foul's Start

Pado really needs to get over it , it’s not that deep really luke stop being a drama queen still crying abt what he said several years ago ..

Sou’ created a topic of Shota Oni

Certified lover boy ?! CERTIFIED PEDOPHILE

Sou’ created a topic of Wet Sand
Sou’ created a topic of Company and Private Life

The blonde girl reminds me of tuesday from carole and tuesday

Sou’ created a topic of Foul's Start
Sou’ created a topic of Thirst
Sou’ created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

This got to be a Joke !!

So what ? He really thought mokwha would be like " oh thanks you just buyed a millions , on a shop just for me i’ll work here for you ! " stupidass