Somehow I feel bad for nao because ryo always does it with chika but at the same time idc :(
I dont feel bad for him at all. I feel bad for the girlfriend, she says she is fine with nao having sex with other people. Alright she is cool but from my point of view, she is a crazy woman. Why are u allowing ur boyfriend to have sex with other people moreover in front of u. I feel like that's not real love. If u truly love someone than u want that person to desire only u. There is no f way I would allow my boyfriend to have sex another person other than me. But I guess her way of love is different. I find nao the most creepiest char in this manga. He says he loves her girlfriend the most but just because ur girlfriend is fine with u having sex with other people that doesn't mean you would continue to do so. If you truly love only her than desire only her. Sorry for my ranting, I just dont like nao and his girlfriend mindset.
Uhh there as lots of people who love and are in relationships that are "open". I don't think sex is the foundation to a good relationship. "Love" and "Desire" doesn't necessarily have to go hand in hand. Nao and his gf are in a consenting relationship, i think you're just projecting your idea of a relationship onto them. While it's ok cuz this is a story and it's fiction, i hope u don't say it to ppl irl.
This was so good! I'm crying, it ended so sweet, my heart ist filled with so much love and cuteness! I wish Their love will last forever!! And they could do an anime about this Manga! It gives you good advice like, if you lie, your only gonna hurt yourself and other people you care about!
And sometimes lying is helpful (︶︿︶)
I hope you all four live a happy and healthy life!
This is adorable!! Hahaha he didn't to anything YET!! (≧∀≦)