Why does the bottom have the arch of doom? How did he manage to achieve that level of spinal damage to the point it’s at a curve? I cant even arch at that severe of an angle that’s an absolute talent
Goldilocks needs to grow some balls and stop crying every five fucking minutes be a man smh. Did he suddenly lose all memory of Dr Hannibal lecter shoving him into a lake?
You can die from both and it doesn’t matter how expensive it is they both will lead you down a horrible path. If you want to break the cycle don’t do anything that you think will damage your heath whether it be drugs or alcohol. This is like choosing death by freezing or death by burning.
This has a simple solution! Burn the ginger at the stake, he is the ugliest creature I have ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon.
You should read this book called “The Bible” and go to this thing called therapy