I was 12 years old, I didn't really know what yaoi meant. Then I searched it up, one of the things that came up was JunJou Romantica. Then I found out about MangaGo.me. So I made an account and read JunJou Romantica. It is still one of my favorite Manga's today. But I still think I should have started with a less..... Let's say perverted one. I sh...... 1 reply
First anime, Bottle Fairies (such a cute anime) I was seven then. My first Manga was Yatsuba&! I was also seven then. I still love both of them now. Man that Manga brings back so many memories. I have dyslexi, but I can almost the speed of an average person (⌒▽⌒) But I practiced reading with Yatsuba&! 1 reply