AnderLeeRose February 10, 2019 8:34 am

Okay, I would've thought this was a fever dream but my little sister remembers it too.

bear with me, I watched this when I was like fourteen so years ago.

I never got really into it, maybe like ten episodes? It was a strange one. There was this vampire, I believe she was a child or maybe a loli but I don't know. She had a pendant and when the side flipped her personality did as well(it never actually explained it)

This dude finds her and he's a photogropher/journalist/ghost hunter who does one or both of those things. Like I said, it's hazy.

The most striking thing about it was the theme song. It was weird, really, fucking, weird. It had a kind of high, almost annoying voice over it all. But the pictures where of the main character in some...odd situations. Bathing in ramen, her face was put on a turtle's body and she was laying eggs. There were 'nya' moments and it was weird.

Please. Help. I'm dying with frustration over here.

    Velveteen February 10, 2019 8:57 am

    It kinda sounds like tsukuyomo-moon phase ?

    AnderLeeRose February 10, 2019 9:05 am
    It kinda sounds like tsukuyomo-moon phase ? Velveteen


androspinx November 21, 2017 3:33 am

Okay, I remember seriously only one part of the story but it was really good and it's bugging me now XD

so, I remember the couple are at the seme's house and someone comes in so they hide in the closet and get very, very frisky while they're in there. I know this is so little to go on but I'd love it if somebody knew what story this was.

androspinx November 6, 2017 5:46 am

So, I don't remember the whole plot because I read this at least two years back but, the seme rapes this guy to screw over his dad who is really rich I think? He does a lot of stuff to mess with things but the guy he rapes doesn't even want to press charges, he's sorta calm during all of it. I remember he is a meek character and I can't remember if this is a one shot or a full story. please, please help if you know this one 0.0

androspinx September 21, 2017 7:30 am

so, there was this bara I read a while back, basically the uke is a teacher (I think he's the schools coach or something?) and he finds out about prostate massagers, he tries one, sorta gets it stuck (I think?) and the seme (one of the students) comes over and confesses to him. I have no idea if I read it on here or not but it's a fun one.

if anyone knows what story I'm talking about I'd really appreciate it. :)

    takame September 21, 2017 7:32 am

    the bodyguard.

    takame September 21, 2017 7:32 am

    oh well, it has the same premise but different cast

    androspinx September 21, 2017 7:42 am
    oh well, it has the same premise but different cast takame

    thank you but I'm looking for this specific story (also I couldn't find that) :)

androspinx July 12, 2017 9:16 pm

basically, there is an overprotective father who chases away all of his son's friends because he thinks they'll attack him. when in actuality a lot of them are interested in him, not the son. including the seme who would never run off when the dad tried to chase him away ending with the dad as the uke and what not. I remember one thing happening where he put laxatives in some cake towards the beginning of the story.

androspinx July 8, 2017 5:52 am

Okay so I remember it starting with the uke being caught masturbating by the seme and I think it was spring break and uke and seme were the only ones left in their housedorm I also remember that they have a friend who is really into porn who lends the uke stuff through out the story

androspinx May 3, 2017 5:11 am

so, I'm not quite sure how to put my question into understandable words but, like the uke meets someone horrible or just not good for them or something and the seme either saves them or is the first one to truly treat them with kindness? maybe the uke was being tricked by some other guy or about to be forced into something and the real seme stops it? idk how exactly to ask this but if anyone has any idea about what I mean and knows a story (or a list) like this could you please share it with me? thankyou

androspinx April 1, 2017 3:46 am

Okay SL I read this one yaoi a couple times. The uke is in love with his best friend and the seme says he is is to (well the uke sort of accuses him of such) when he's actually in love with the uke and the end up with this agreement where same has sex with the uke and the uke ends up falling for him without realizing it and says he's just a replacement. It's really good and I want to read it again so I'd really appreciate of if someone knows what I'm talking about:)

androspinx February 13, 2017 5:52 am

so a while back I read this one manga (a couple times actually) and the uke's a gay guy obsessed with a certain porn star and he randomly sees this guy who he mistakes for him and immediately asked his to f!ck him and like halfway through the seme says it's not him. I can't remember for the life of me the name or the rest of the plot but i know i really liked this story so, help please if you can :)

androspinx January 18, 2017 10:10 am

basically this guy(guy 1) stole his crushes(guy 2) girlfriend (I think what happened was she liked him but not vica versa but I'm probably wrong) and they meet way later and guy 2 really hates him but ends up drunk and in guy 1's car, guy one then proceeds to f!ck him (guy 1 is the uke) and he's crying. one way or another they end up dating, there's also the side story of guy 1's brother and his lover. I really really want to read this one again so if anyone knows what manga this is I would really appreciate the help :)

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