he will go to america with his sister and the others but jun will stay and go back to his dad and his family take care of his siblings.they will have contact and they both will come back to jun after 3 years live together again
My down vote is not for your comment (though next time you may want to add the spoiler warning into the body of the comment, along with a lot of space), but because I dislike that they will be apart for 3 whole years.
When you say they both will come back, do you mean the brother and Yul? I hope so. The sister still pisses me off.
I know those he has done were wrong .. But it is also Chiharu's fault that he did not listen to him when he confession his love..Chiharu stepped on his feelings and laughed and asked him to sign up at the hospital for help.He got outbreak and did these things on Chiharu..If he had listened it would not have happened ..
Hope they had a happy ending..they were my opinion
thanks for the update you have done a really good job keep up the good work.