CaleKale April 3, 2016 9:53 pm

I was sooo prepared for the worst hahaha. I thought they were really star-shaped or something ( ̄∇ ̄")

CaleKale April 3, 2016 8:28 pm

At first I was like, maybe sensei just likes Taylor or pop culture and then came the page where they declared it an April Fools' joke. ╥﹏╥

CaleKale April 3, 2016 6:46 pm

Can someone clear this up for me please-- Katsuya became a policeman and stayed with Tooru right? I keep wishing that's what happened but my friend said it's like an extra only.

    Demirah April 4, 2016 3:44 am

    He stayed. Extra are things of their daily lives. And now theyre planning to have a trip using the first salary.

    CaleKale April 4, 2016 7:56 am
    He stayed. Extra are things of their daily lives. And now theyre planning to have a trip using the first salary. Demirah

    I'm glad :) I don't want Tooru being alone at all. Thanks!

CaleKale March 23, 2016 10:49 pm

I have faith that this will have a good ending. And a sequel hopefully XD

    frazzleyama March 25, 2016 5:04 am

    no more omg too much drama already

    yelloheh March 31, 2016 10:07 pm

    Oops pushef the annoying but I wanted to push the "up". My bad. In fact I'm totally agree with you. Hope it will have happy ending.

CaleKale March 23, 2016 10:48 pm

My fellow fujoshis, can someone tell me when Finder usually updates? It's so i can mark my calendar :D

    Lumiere March 23, 2016 11:31 pm

    On the 28th of February, April, June, August, October and December. This is on a good year, when Yamane-sensei doesn't take any breaks. Supposedly, the next chapter (and the start of volume 9) will be in June, though it has yet to be confirmed. 'Tis a brutal waiting game. :)

    nonmmynon March 24, 2016 7:10 pm

    By definition, a Fujoshi is a female Otaku = meaning, if you were actually also a fujoshi and also really that into yaoi and manga - you would have researched yourself to find out when the next updates are. We get this question so much on here again and again when the answer can be found pretty simply

    a: if you scroll down the page to find one of the many other asks.

    or b: Check BBEBoys website and lOOk

    People don't like these type of answers but you got to see how annoying it is when the page gets clogged up with the same damn questions over and over. We are ALL waiting for the next chapter, look for the answer instead of taking the easy option straight away.

    look at the magazines website each time there is a new copy out, it will give you a preview to the next copy where you should see sensei's name. No you don't have to be able to read Japanese.

    nonmmynon March 24, 2016 7:13 pm
    By definition, a Fujoshi is a female Otaku = meaning, if you were actually also a fujoshi and also really that into yaoi and manga - you would have researched yourself to find out when the next updates are. We ... @nonmmynon

    oh and sensei's name looks like やまねあやの. look for it.

    Anonymous March 24, 2016 7:38 pm

    Wow, @nonmmynon, someone sure is PMS-ing all over the place. Exactly what is the point of your comment? The OP asked a question, another person answered. End of story. Philosophizing on what it means to be a true fujoshi and insulting people by implying they're lazy. Btw, it seems like you lack reading comprehension, as the OP was asking not when the next chapter comes out, but rather Finder's updating schedule as a whole. But I guess it's easy to act like a total bitch and not add anything useful to the convo. Job well done! ;)

    Geeze March 24, 2016 10:05 pm
    Wow, @nonmmynon, someone sure is PMS-ing all over the place. Exactly what is the point of your comment? The OP asked a question, another person answered. End of story. Philosophizing on what it means to be a tr... @Anonymous

    All you girls sure are bitchy. If you don't like a post mark as annoying and move on - you're just spamming up the page more lol being just as bad urself

    Lala March 24, 2016 10:20 pm

    pot, meet kettle, @Geeze. you should take your own advice, mark the comment as annoying and move on. why are YOU replying and spamming up the page more?

    nonmmynon March 24, 2016 10:21 pm
    Wow, @nonmmynon, someone sure is PMS-ing all over the place. Exactly what is the point of your comment? The OP asked a question, another person answered. End of story. Philosophizing on what it means to be a tr... @Anonymous

    Alright love just ease yourself off that high horse there. You are exactly the same, you just couldn't see the comment and move on! Just because I said something doesn't mean you then have to go on about it, "what did it add to the conversation" blah. Exactly the same as you then.

    My point is absolutely right and fair, THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS ON THIS PAGE. IF YOU BOTHER TO LOOK. That's being LAZY, absolutely TRUE. And to say you are a Fujoshi when you can't even be assed to keep up with the manga's you read is NOT being a fujoshi. End of matter.

    Though you will probably, what was it. "PMS" at me some more. But check yourself hun, you're no better than anyone else here.

    Geeze March 24, 2016 10:29 pm
    pot, meet kettle, @Geeze. you should take your own advice, mark the comment as annoying and move on. why are YOU replying and spamming up the page more? @Lala

    I'm sorry, you were saying? Something about a pot and a kettle? What is wrong with you people?! I was telling them that they should move on which hopefully they would. you're defending their bitching and cant even take you own advice. so STFU

    chisuchisu March 24, 2016 10:44 pm
    pot, meet kettle, @Geeze. you should take your own advice, mark the comment as annoying and move on. why are YOU replying and spamming up the page more? @Lala

    oh yeah! shit just got real
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    J Unleashed March 25, 2016 12:35 am

    NOW ask whether or not Asami is yakuza...

    *munches on popcorn*

    Digitalpixie March 25, 2016 12:47 am
    NOW ask whether or not Asami is yakuza... *munches on popcorn* J Unleashed

    Me-ow we got some drama up in here. Gimme some of dat popcorn.~ (=・ω・=)

    Romanceisdead69 March 25, 2016 1:13 am
    NOW ask whether or not Asami is yakuza... *munches on popcorn* J Unleashed

    *Whistles awkwardly and walks on by* (* ̄0 ̄)θ~♪ Oh! But, now that you mention it, Asami as a Yakuza...
    PHYCHE! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Instigator March 25, 2016 1:25 am
    NOW ask whether or not Asami is yakuza... *munches on popcorn* J Unleashed

    And that the extras aren't cannon.

    Romanceisdead69 March 25, 2016 1:36 am
    *Whistles awkwardly and walks on by* (* ̄0 ̄)θ~♪ Oh! But, now that you mention it, Asami as a Yakuza............. PHYCHE! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Romanceisdead69

    Oh crud I'm getting annoyed now, I spelled Psyche wrong. I blame caps! Garrrr

    misekatte March 25, 2016 2:06 am
    NOW ask whether or not Asami is yakuza... *munches on popcorn* J Unleashed

    Stirring things up again J? Pass the popcorn, and I will send you some of my Sour Cream and Bacon chips!

    Anoni Grrl March 25, 2016 7:31 pm

    @ Calekale Probably the comment that will make everyone happy right now is a link to raws that do not exist yet. Welcome anyway. :)

    Reality bites March 25, 2016 11:53 pm

    That Veiwfinder why do people keep coming here? It;s just full of rape, and sex and guns and people talking all the time about stuff...................... what ........what a minute

    Reality bites March 26, 2016 12:04 am

    Not condoning the fictional action of said fictional chara. in this or any or manga.Nor RL action of any RL person or persons thereof.

    Anonymous March 26, 2016 2:41 am

    what the fuck are you even talking about, @Reality bites?!

    Reality bites March 26, 2016 11:07 am

    It's called satire.

    ????????? March 26, 2016 12:04 pm
    It's called satire. @Reality bites

    It's called madness

    Reality bites March 26, 2016 1:08 pm

    I thought this was a tag line of satire the oft arguments in VF. Asami being a yakuza? the cannons being extras or not? and I added mine.

    LadyLigeia March 26, 2016 2:46 pm
    I thought this was a tag line of satire the oft arguments in VF. Asami being a yakuza? the cannons being extras or not? and I added mine. @Reality bites

    I would add mine too: "I hate Feilong because he's a rapist" and when someone mentions that this is not only Feilong who raped Aki a quarrel begins: "Its, true", "It isn't", "we have to consider both of them as rapists or none of the two". Please, for everyone is reading this: It's only satire, don't throw me the tomatoes. :)

    Romanceisdead69 March 27, 2016 1:18 am
    I would add mine too: "I hate Feilong because he's a rapist" and when someone mentions that this is not only Feilong who raped Aki a quarrel begins: "Its, true", "It isn't", "we have to consider both of them as... LadyLigeia

    I can't help but think that if Sensei were to host some kind of Yaoi-con in some place or other and that we all went along - it would result in some kind of massive bar brawl. Loss of eyes, limbs…the lot.
    ( ̄∇ ̄") we are all very passionate people, eh?

    LadyLigeia March 27, 2016 2:04 am
    I can't help but think that if Sensei were to host some kind of Yaoi-con in some place or other and that we all went along - it would result in some kind of massive bar brawl. Loss of eyes, limbs…the lot.( ̄... Romanceisdead69

    I didn't notice that I made a typo (It's true). Yes, we can be very passionate sometimes. ^U^

    Rushia March 27, 2016 2:26 am
    I can't help but think that if Sensei were to host some kind of Yaoi-con in some place or other and that we all went along - it would result in some kind of massive bar brawl. Loss of eyes, limbs…the lot.( ̄... Romanceisdead69

    I don't really understand why the people tends to become so violent...but if sensei were to host that Yaoi-Con I would be in a corner drinking MATE, eating some popcorn and watching ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anoni Grrl March 27, 2016 3:35 am
    I don't really understand why the people tends to become so violent...but if sensei were to host that Yaoi-Con I would be in a corner drinking MATE, eating some popcorn and watching ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Rushia

    If it's a yaoi-con, we can hire men to cosplay characters and fight on our behalf. Since it's for entertainment, they should be wearing only boxers and use pillows that fall apart at have feathers flying all over. Then, as they grapple and spar, sometimes they may get carried away...So anyway, if the guy I pay to cosplay Kuroda ends up on top, that means the extras are cannon and Yuri is alive.

    Rushia March 27, 2016 3:56 am
    If it's a yaoi-con, we can hire men to cosplay characters and fight on our behalf. Since it's for entertainment, they should be wearing only boxers and use pillows that fall apart at have feathers flying all ov... Anoni Grrl

    I...I just imagined what you just said, in my mind but in slow motion (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Romanceisdead69 March 27, 2016 4:35 am
    If it's a yaoi-con, we can hire men to cosplay characters and fight on our behalf. Since it's for entertainment, they should be wearing only boxers and use pillows that fall apart at have feathers flying all ov... Anoni Grrl

    Drool, so much drool.

    CaleKale March 30, 2016 7:57 am
    By definition, a Fujoshi is a female Otaku = meaning, if you were actually also a fujoshi and also really that into yaoi and manga - you would have researched yourself to find out when the next updates are. We ... @nonmmynon

    I just went online today and was shocked when I saw your comment. I see everyone in this site being helpful and friendly all the time and I guess it just never crossed my mind that a simple question asking when a manga updates would spur someone to question my love for yaoi. I'm sorry that you don't see me as a fujoshi but couldn't you just tell me to scroll down to find the answer? I mean, would it kill you to just ignore my stupid comment since it was already answered? I'm sorry for not knowing that someone actually answered this question already but no one forces you to answer the questions

    CaleKale March 30, 2016 8:06 am
    By definition, a Fujoshi is a female Otaku = meaning, if you were actually also a fujoshi and also really that into yaoi and manga - you would have researched yourself to find out when the next updates are. We ... @nonmmynon

    Really, you make me sad. I asked the question in good faith. You already branded me lazy just cause I can't freaking scroll down to read other people's comments. You don't know me, okay? I came here for Finder and not comments. I left one because I had hoped it would get an answer and it did by the way, but I didn't expect you ranting about a fujoshi or reading the mag's site. Next time you see a stupid comment like mine, please just ignore it. It's not your duty to remind us how lazy we are or how little we know about yaoi.

CaleKale March 21, 2016 5:47 pm

When Xixi comforted Jian Yi first instead of the girl: (≧∀≦)

Best. Plot twist. Ever.

    Lola March 21, 2016 7:16 pm

    I think I'm the only one, but... I always expected XiXi to comfort Jian Yi and not the girl. XD

    Rox March 21, 2016 11:34 pm
    I think I'm the only one, but... I always expected XiXi to comfort Jian Yi and not the girl. XD @Lola

    I did too lol

CaleKale March 17, 2016 2:04 pm

Keiichi-kun, if you say something that will hurt my precious Shingo-chan, make sure to apologize big time. With flowers and everything because if not, I'll find Shingo a better seme.

CaleKale March 16, 2016 4:28 pm

He Tian??? Nah, I'm just kidding. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

CaleKale March 14, 2016 8:44 am

I'm gonna adopt lots of cats I think

    AmanoChie March 17, 2016 7:03 pm

    And hope that you're Cat prince falls in your arms....or on your bed ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Tuuh March 23, 2016 7:05 pm
    And hope that you're Cat prince falls in your arms....or on your bed ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ AmanoChie

    I really want more chapters...
    Much Much more....
    Cat it's so cute, I have one two!!

    Anonymous June 16, 2016 8:55 am
    I really want more chapters...Much Much more....Cat it's so cute, I have one two!! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Tuuh

    i have tow casts loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove them they are sooooooooo cute

CaleKale March 14, 2016 3:11 am

I love Zhang Xixi in this chap. I love how he considered Jian yi's feelings. I mean it was totally unexpected (for me atleast) that he would be the one to remind us that Jian Yi has confessed and that Xixi's actions could hurt his feelings. In many mangas I read, the uke (usually) sees the other person talking to someone and just becomes jealous. It's rare that someone would seriously consider the other's feelings when talking to a possible third wheel (keke). Bravo Zhang xixi. This is getting intense and I love it. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

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