im searching for a manga that have a maso uke. he likes to get beat up and is turn on by bruised on his two friends bod6 who play sports. the reason why hes m is because of his abusive father who beat up her mom when hes little. his mother committed suicide but he finds his fther beating up her mother as affection, he gets turn on by it basically. and his two friends noticed his hot stare on their body if they have bruised and they beat up each other for more attention. which lead to all 3 being m and have a threesome. although the mc is an m hes also a bit of a sadist. but hes an uke. and they had threesome. anyone know? ive been wanting to read it again and its been bugging me for awhile alr.
It's this one, right? Sorry if I got it wrong..
ive noticed that im not really suits maze games that are 3D. whenever i played them i feel lightheaded and nausea, i thought that was all, that i hate mazes lol. but then i started to get into the Minecraft and if u played u know u have to go mining, and i thought yep its a maze alr, thought i was a noob on the game so its a bit too real for me. and im adjusting but i still had trouble mining, and now that i think of it. am i claustrophobic? probably am, damn that sure took awhile to know lol
im not sure that would be considered claustrophobic.
I have never heard of claustrophobic people bothered by games. claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder and can cause panic attacks. im not sure what is wrong with you but I don't think it is claustrophobia. if some games make you feel dizzy or cause you to get nausea then it is possible that your eyes are sensitive to the lighting and movement mechanics of the game. I know several people who have this problem mostly with 3D movies but it is because of sensitivity not a phobia. try looking into light/movement sensitivity and see if that matches up.
i have a feeling that you might be feeling motionsickness, im serious not stupid. you may be fine with any form of transportation but when you play 3d games your eyes sends signals to your brain telling you that you are moving but you really not which cause confusing and motionsickness.
claustrophobia is a phobia in other words its a "Fear" so its not something light like watching films or playing games and feeling nauseous or lightheaded some of the symptoms are:
sweating and chills
accelerated heart rate and high blood pressure
dizziness, fainting, and lightheadedness
dry mouth
hyperventilation, or "over breathing"
hot flashes
shaking or trembling and a sense of "butterflies" in the stomach
a choking sensation
tightness in the chest, chest pain, and difficulty breathing
an urge to use the bathroom
confusion or disorientation
fear of harm or illness
(the symptoms are copy pasted)
i don't think so. phobia mean u can't get close to what make u afraid.u will get worried, afraid and sometimes lost control of ur self. lightheaded and nausea is not phobia affect.
in ur case i think it's just u can't get used to 3d games. like in my case, everytime i see game 3d like minecraft, counter strike, point blank etc that have a movement like a maze my head so hurt too n get nausea. i think it's like when i riding car, and got motion sickness. i am assuming 3d game work like that for several people, because unbalance about what we see in game and what happened in our balance organ it's make our brain confuse and voila, headache and nausea
well well well... a scam?