This is the reason why he was extremely rude to Jooin in the beginning of the manwha, and the same for the referencing of BJ Alex.
Now that he got the chance to personally meet Jooin and have moments with him, he didn’t know how to behave because of the trust issues he has. So I believe he purposely was rude to test Jooin to see if he would stay and to also see if he would be able to deal with Yahwhi himself.
After seeing that Jooin did stay with him, and in fact cared. Yahwhi accidentally pushed him away because of his insecurities, the guy probably went through a lot growing up (judging by the flashbacks he has had in certain panels of the manwha) but that doesn’t excuse this behavior of course. Yahwhi probably never had someone who would stay with him or even care for him after the way he treated them like that before and seeing that someone did stay probably scared him a lot because he’s never been through something like that before. So his reaction or behavior towards Jooin was kind of like a mental rejection (or could even be a mental rejection from anxiety [Anxiety commonly happens when you are put through something you have never been through before] since his mind has never been put in that situation) from the situation because he never experienced something like that before.
Jooins feelings having grown Immensely from the first chapters so we clearly won’t easily give up.
Yahwhi noticed that and learned from his mistakes so now he’s trying his best to actually get with Jooin.
But this is what I also think will happen in the future chapters:
Yahwhi will try to mentally convince himself that he does not have feelings for Jooin because he is scared of his past, people who have treated him wrong, he’s most likely scared that Jooin will do the same thing.
Yahwhi behaves this way based on the way he was raised and his traumas.
Even though he understands completely that he does have feelings for Jooin and wants to be with him.
The sex is great but it’s not all that matters to him and he started believing this exact thought during these chapters that I recently came out.
This is what I feel about Cain:
Originally I believed that Cain was the perfect choice for Jooin because he was far nicer then Yahwhi to Jooin.
But now that I understand the characters, I choose Yahwhi and here are my reasons why.
Judging by the way that Cain calls Jooin “master” could be something mental, he could’ve had a mental attraction to Jooin and created this whole illusion which his brain made by Obsession as a natural bodily reaction. He seems to be extremely manipulative and is willing to give up many things in order to get what he wants. Gave up living in his home which is very large compared to where Jooin in living. He is eating food he doesn’t normally eat that he might not even like just so he can be with Jooin.
Clearly manipulated Jooin into agreeing into letting him move in.
There is clearly a sexual and mental attraction that we can’t ignore based off reading all these chapters.
Of course both of the male leads in this manwha have an attraction to Jooin but I believe that the attraction that Cain has could probably be far larger than Yahwhis attraction.
I honestly just hope that he isn’t someone who is sane and is willing to give up their humanity in order to get what they want. I don’t want Jooin hurt.
2020-12-27 05:38 marked
2020-10-21 03:06 marked
2020-09-07 07:23 marked
ok, so here’s what I think after reading basically all of this...