exactly like we know he’s gonna end up with Joowon now and i’m sick and tired of seeing Taekyung and Haesoos bittersweet depressing relationship. like i’m a TxH shipper but this is getting tiring and if Haesoo is gonna end up with Joowon then make it happen cause we’re all sick and tired of reading. this story was interesting in the beginning but now it’s just dragging on :/
Can this end already,,, I'm not that excited anymore for the updates let's just see him end up with his brother cause that's where this is leading to
exactly like we know he’s gonna end up with Joowon now and i’m sick and tired of seeing Taekyung and Haesoos bittersweet depressing relationship. like i’m a TxH shipper but this is getting tiring and if Haesoo is gonna end up with Joowon then make it happen cause we’re all sick and tired of reading. this story was interesting in the beginning but now it’s just dragging on :/