Kaapyli's experience ( All 0 )

Kaapyli's answer ( All 1 )

Omegaverse is mostly for gay fiction so it's often overlooked but the female alphas have a penis just like male omegas have a uterus. Depending on the author the female alphas might not have a uterus and the male omegas might not have balls in some cases. So a female alpha could impregnate a male omega just like a male alpha.   reply
12 08,2020

Kaapyli's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

i did try to multiple times tho i survived every time

6 hours
did contradictory comments

My words are contradicting cus I myself dont know the truth anymore. i need a break irl and im spiraling.

7 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I wanted to because he was gone but my friends stopped me and offered me a solution

7 hours