I feel like I'm the only one who HATES this manhwa with all my soul and heart. like i see people talk about it on social media and theyre all heart eyes and saying how good this story is like is it just me? Im sure its not just me
If kiss me liar has a million haters i am one of them
If kiss me liar has one hater that is me
If kiss me liar has no haters then i am dead
If the world loves kiss me liar then i am against the world
also I would recommend reading https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/there_s_something_wrong_with_my_popularity/
if u wanna clean your pallate:D
Dude I am reading it rn and I keep having to take breaks because things just happen with no explaination. Oh there are sex parties, oh he's gonna get raped, oh the only alpha he isn't scared of (how convienient), they're both such uninteresting characters with no personality with no chemistry. It's like having the rapey/rapist character everyone hates have a downbad slut be head over heels for him because he's rich and handsome. (So not a girls girl). I kept seeing it pop up with numerous different fanfics in different fandoms based off of it and I felt ambivalent towards them. I assumed the source material/inspiration would be better but omg it's the exact same shit bar for bar. There's no set up, establishment or build up to barely anything except for the crappy romance. Neither lead has an interesting design they both look like mobs/extras, the sex scenes are stiff and stilted. I couldn't finish it cause it kept fucking dragging. It is the most bare bones (illogical) marketable omegaverse I've ever read with the worst established rules and dynamic for the abo. Worst as in they keep making shit up as they go with such poor planning and little to no thought put into how things work outside the context of the main pairing. There are also no side characters and it feels so isolating like jesus. Not to mention the sheer amount of "I hate women" vibes coming off of it there are only 3 memorable women all three of which are used to make the leads jealous 2 of which sleep with the alpha guy and one is a jealous vindictive violent bitch while the other just smooches the other guy because she's either a whore or a flirt. The other one is a nice polite girl who gets disrespected by the alpha for making and giving the omega sandwhiches for lunch because he was "jealous"????.
Yall help me this is driving me crazy i suddenly remembered something. So i was minding my own business watching rhythm heaven fever videos when i saw the spaceball mini-game on the DS version. It looked so familiar and then I realised, i remember watching a web series with a similar looking character and I can't find the series again so I want help. I watched Ep.2 of the series and thats it, I was planning on watching the rest of the series but something happened and I never did. I wasn't able to save the video either, so I'm stuck. From what I remember reading the comments of the series, it was adapted from an indie video game or rhythm heaven, I'm not too sure since all of this is based from memory.
The main character was a baseball player, they looked like the ordinary baseball player but with no eyes or hair and i think they had white or green skin. The world was abstract and kinda unsettling, there were barely any people around, the episode started with the MC getting off a train and he found a short dude who was working there. The shortie asked them what they were doing in this place and MC replied that they were just there for the game, whatever that means. And thats all I remember.
This is as much information that I can remember, Do you know anything about this series or know what this series/game is called?
my yuri....