disapóint October 29, 2020 6:27 am

well im not a doctor, but looking at the comments i searched how long it takes to recover from an appendix burst surgery, and she deadass needs to wait 4-6 weeks before she even stands up like how did they let her just walk out like boom, or like how did she even walk?? no hate on logic, but damn im already getting bad vibes from blondie and white haired guy over here like, "she seems very tired" well 1. her appendix burst 2. shes dead and 3. where did the man in the lake go

TLDR; appendix burst is no no, blondie sus

    owehbour November 1, 2020 8:32 am

    my sister got had her appendix burst and they let her out of the hospital and let her walk around a couple days after and she was fine they just asked her to try to limit extreme physical acticity

    disapóint November 1, 2020 5:07 pm
    my sister got had her appendix burst and they let her out of the hospital and let her walk around a couple days after and she was fine they just asked her to try to limit extreme physical acticity owehbour

    oh dang that's cool, sorry i don't know much, glad she recovered, the appendix burst probably isn't coming up in the story later anyway

    owehbour November 13, 2020 3:06 am
    oh dang that's cool, sorry i don't know much, glad she recovered, the appendix burst probably isn't coming up in the story later anyway disapóint

    i feel like i came off as rude im so sorry if i did

disapóint September 3, 2020 7:30 pm

there is so much cursed stuff in here, like oikawa having titties, him also being a cat, him also having a child, the child playing with the sex toys, THEY HAVE SEX EVERY 5 PAGES, ALSO THE CHILD SHOULDNT BE PLAYING WITH THE TOYS WHY DO THEY LEAVE THEM EVERYWHERE

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