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"Pob Phanat," a renowned solo female artist with an impeccable reputation. However, deep in her hear...

  • Author:
  • Genres: webtoons / Music / Romance / Shoujo Ai / Slice of Life / Yuri
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30 01,2024
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15 12,2023
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WARNING: The majority of yuri here will have sex as I love tasteful sexually explicit stuff. A few choice ones aren't sexual in nature. These are some yuri that I've read & find tantalizing, sexual, story driven, complex, & artistically sound. I'm pretty picky & will only include yuri that resonate with me.

15 12,2023
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03 12,2023
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ㅣ☆|  Some Stuff I added In the list  |☆ㅣ

 Isekai GL stories
 Historical GL stories 
 Some fairytale stories
 Full Coloured and Non coloured GL 
 adventure / Fantasy
 Stories with old art styles


                   Updating the list 


22 11,2023
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22 11,2023
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01 11,2023