How can you tell the difference between like/love and just being attracted?There's this certain person,But I can't tell if l like him or if I'm just attracted to him?And i can't stop thinking about him too...
Plzzz help me(;_;)/~~~
For me attraction is just hey they look good good or hey they have a personality I like in people I wanted to date.
Like/love to me is I can imagine being in a relationship with them.
Lust, passion, sexual attraction and infatuation are related to sexuality, and you identify them because you feel sexually aroused by the person.
Liking has to do with more of an emotional intimacy and intellectual respect. This is the sort of resonance on the feeling and thought level which inspires you to become a better person, and you usually feel that the person to whom you feel this great liking and appreciation has made the world a better place with their existence.
Both of these things are wonderful experiences and are a great source of healing, joy and inspiration.
Love, in contrast to these other things, is an activity. When you love, you sacrifice your ego for something greater than your personality complex of physical body, emotions and mind. So, people who have children might show them love by sacrificing their dreams so that the children might have a stable and secure environment to grow up in. People who love another may feel sexual passion and emotional or mental intimacy with someone else, but will sacrifice those feelings in order to remain faithful and true to their marriage partner, to whom they have made a vow of love, and because they are being counted on to show this support. The ways in which people show love are infinite, but they are all characterized by the act of sacrifice and of surrendering the ego, which can be some of the most painful experiences a person can go through. Sometimes, people even sacrifice their lives.
Without sacrifice and ego surrender, it isn't love.
Love is when your heart goes *doki* *doki*
Lust is when your dick goes *crrrrrachank* *ratatattatatatattatatattata*
a perfect example of the two types of people in this world...
It was a cross-dressing type of yaoi manga where there was a guy who thought she was about to have sex with the "girl"(by fooling "her") but when they got to the hotel the girl was actually a guy cross-dressing.and the cross-dressing guy became the seme and the other guy became the uke.It was like 2 chapters so I don't really remember ( ̄へ ̄)Hope any1 remembers:(
one of these maybe?