•ERZA• created a topic of Imprinted (Bohyeol)

It's done??! What is uo with that ending?! Fudge3e the poor robot I can't. I JUST CAN'T. I even endured reading it even if the mc looks like that with his red eyes and this is how it will end?! Fudging hell, just oair Jay with the sex robot Lisa. I would be more happy with that than ya'll dissembling him and putting him off. The author clearly made this story fir the sex scene, I have read many manwhas like this where they focus on the s. but never this stupid. I thought it will be a good story

•ERZA• created a topic of Rough Uniform

Another one that bites the dust.

•ERZA• created a topic of Kiss and Death

I'm rooting for Taein. He saw Heechan's wrist with the symbol. He knows something so I think he's trying to help Heechan in his own ways. What I just don't understand is why he had to choose those ways instead of helping him himself. I'm looking forward for his explaination and backstory. Btw, it is obvious now that he is the boy that was with Heechan on the hospital. Wait, don't tell me he died to? Or he went through the same experience? Or ahhh so much scenario to imagine but can't come uo with the right one.

•ERZA• created a topic of Waterside Night

BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY THAT AFTER HE JUST FORGAVE YOU?! Like man I know you must hate yourself so much that you wanna k'l yourself and you feel that you are not deserving of him but MAN! That is not the right way to solve the situation. You are changing for the better, you did worse things before and he forgave you. What Euihyun thinks is what only matters. He MATTERS. He's feeling more shitty right now, he just lost a baby he didn't know he had. Don't you fucking give up on him just like that or else imma punch you, you muscle pig. Don't forget that is the last chance he'll ever give you, love him, woo him, apologize to him, cherish him, and protect him with all your might. That's the only thing you can do to make up for that.

•ERZA• created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Thank you for updating! I've been waiting for this, I read a spoiler before about their real situatiin and I was really sad that he was destined to die. But hey! I guess that problem is not gonna happen again right? Now all Hyo-un needs to do is to make taehyuk love him again despite what he did. Please please please let this be the last obstacle I just want them to be happy. Please.

I'll be burying you after you die the way people below my comment likes. Just pick and I'll dig your cemetery for you, 10 ft under.

Seriously, a big thanks to the upoader for the mass uodate I've been waiting for this and it takes a long time to wsit for the official translation, I don't care if it isn't as long as it's not too blurry and I can understand what tgey're saying. Thank you so much!

Btw, please ya'll- leave him alone. Let him do what he wants, do not force him to be yoonseo when he clearly doesn't want to reveal it I feel so sorry for him. He already suffered too much, let him have his peace please.

Agh I read until chapter 40. I don't think I can wait for the official chapter but they will stop translating it after the unofficial translation of chaper 41 The offical translation is still in chapter 27. I can't waitttt for moreeee. It was getting good

•ERZA• created a topic of Wake Up, Warrior

I'm crying. I feel so sad for Kakana. She's distancing herself from everyone because she thinks if she doesn't intervene or if she is not in their lives then they will eventually be happy. It's a typicall heroine character but hers is different it's not just her personality, it stems from her past. I hope our male leads will notice what she's feeling soon. Please don't abandon her

•ERZA• created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

For sure he knows now thank goodness the seme noticed things quick. Now hopefully their love story will progress❣ though Neu's comment kinda gave it a somewhat tough vibe. Jigu you better court the hell out of your wifeym

•ERZA• created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I don't mean any disrespect but I really thought it was Cosmic Scans translation I was haply but skeptical when I saw 3 chapters being uploaded at once. I'm grateful but I want better quality hehe. I'm a beach that's why

•ERZA• created a topic of Waterside Night

That kick was so satisfying.

•ERZA• followed a goer

I'm a swiftie, that's all ya need to know.

05 06,2024
•ERZA• created a topic of Waterside Night

It's re-uploaded because the recently uploaded ones are the 'official translations' which I prefer more to avoid missing out important dialogues or atmosphere lol. But Damn I can't wait to see how Taeju will act. Beware the fury of a daddy-husbando. Hell hath no fury like a man scorned.

Thank you so much for this. I love stories like this. I love OP mc. I love an OP mc hiding his identity. And I don't know but I forgot, is this yaoi/bl? Because I freaking love that too and honestly, reading this, I don't even care anymore. It's like all in one for me, everything I love in one story. Now, I just need to let this marinate for a little while waiting for the offical chapters, because although I'm grateful for the scanlation team who translated the 26th chapters up, english is not my first language, nor is it my second. So I quickly get confused about sentences, and I would love to really read their exact statements in the story.

Overall, I really really recommend this story to anyone who even got a little interest in reading this manwha. You'll not regret it, promise. 100/100

•ERZA• created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
•ERZA• created a topic of Love to Love You

Black haired guy is straight up an as*'hole. Seriously. I feel sorry for the friend who loves the mc. Two of them are in the cover so I hoped gray haired friend will also get to have his own loveydovey with the mc. To hell with that black haired guy.

•ERZA• created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Lmao everything is literally about marianne at this point. She must be soooo charming if she managed to seduced half of the men's population. Lololol they want to find true love, but it wouldn't be true love if it's not Marianne. Y'all not truly looking for true love, you're looking for Marianne. I only love red hair + white hair, and obsidian with moon owl. Though, I had a high hope thinking moon owl will join the show, turns out he didn't huhu

•ERZA• created a topic of Can't Think Straight

How!!! How could they stop it there The cliffhanger man! That was smoking hot. I never ever thought the mighty Jaehyuk would eat his ass like it was his last meal but damn! Way to go Jaehyuk! Andd, I kinda doubt it would be 'just'the tip though. Once you enter, you can never go back. It will be a home run!

Damn, Yaoi has ruined my innocence. I like it.

•ERZA• created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

I feel like the story's great but it needs more. Misunderstandings there for the ml coz he thought mc's with him because he feel sorry for him. And ml was okay with it, well... I'm not. I wsnt their relationship to be strong, like reslly strong. Some doesn't want a climax but I badly need it. For me to feel at ease that they truly really love each other, without what ifs or I want him to be as miserable as me. I want ML to understand that mc loves him very much and I also love for him to be healed from his trauma of the past.

I want a happy ending