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•ERZA• created a topic of Minority

I feel sad that Heechan experienced all those things in high school, that was really really sad to see. How thankful I was that Jinhyuk's there for him. I cried so hard when they separated and I also felt kinda sad that the story ends. This is such a heartbreakingwarming story. I've been reading too much yaoi that this feels like heaven to me. I would love to see them get married, and be acknowledged by everyone as a couple, but I also understand how hard it would be for them if they were to be known. Anyway, marriage does not really make your relationship lasts, it's your will and feelings to do so, so it doesn't matter too much to me. It's better than people who get married only to get divorced a few months later. They are contented with their situation and they understand it, so that's more than I could hope for. I love them. I hope they live happy, happier than they could ever be when they were still teenagers.