Adar...of you hadn't slït his throat, he coudn't have used the blood explosion -or if he ever do want to use it even without you injuring him, it will take ya'll more time to atleast figure out his intentions. Now, in less than a minute, all of you vanished in god knows where. You adorable little fiery guy.

I'm grinning so wide when I read the current chapters it hurts. So nice to see his perspective for once, his 'sincere' feeling or lack thereof. Where was that one comment saying his condition (or whatever it is) is NOT true and he only made it up to make In-seob pity and stay with him? Damn I believed that quickly. Maybe he did have that intention but it was real. Seeing him frantically searching for him for hours made me happy, go drown in your own misery. I hope this made him realize how important In-seob really is. Just please don't let it be him hurting In-Seob in the next chapters because of his own imagination and assumptions.

YES KARAS!! YOUR BABY IS BLEEDING!! Ooh the way he held on to Abel instead of the fake one who looks like Abel just shows he already has this feeling that Abel is the blonde frail handsome guy. This is too precious that I just want tolet this marinate but at the same time I can't wait to find out what happens in the next chaoter so I can't help myself but open it whenever it has an update.

Taehan be telling Danwoo not to finish that sentence but here he is constantly getting jealous about his coworker. Yeah yeah I get it, he's only doing that with Danwoo because he thinks its 'fun' typical typical. Though, am I the only one getting mixed feelings about this? My man's literally somewhat deceiving Danwoo saying that is 'training'...well it kinda is I think? Since he's feeling 'more' in control of his arousal when having his haircut.

He was toxic at first, but even from the beggining I can already tell he's smitten with our MC. I can see his character developmemt and I love their wholesome relationship when they lived together in Taeju's apartment. Anyway thats not the reason why I commented, I just wanna ask.....no side storiess??? Please tell me there is. This is already my third time rereading this lol this is just too good. Especially since Jerkyung's story's back again. I need to convince myself maybe Jaekyung's going to change, but his personality's shit to begin with unlike Taeju. I don't know wether Jaekyung can be a green flag. Taeju I love you.
I've reread this for more than five times, and I am NOT exaggerating. I can say this is my top favorite manga of all the mangas I've read. I love Bertia, Cecil, and everyone in this manga. Even the past heroine/former villainess who chose to go to that place so that she can see her familiar once again. I love how Cecil handles Bertia, how he just listens and lets her do whatever she likes to do but will also step in whenever she's in trouble - whether Bertia likes it or not lol. I love Bertia's attitude, the way she made Cecil fall for her without knowing it or more like not believing he's gonna love her because there is this og heroine. I love their love story, I legit sobbed when I read their marriage scene, now matter how many times I reread it I cannot seem to stop tearing up, specially when her father spoke after she gave her message. I love this so so much. Thank you for making this story❣ and thank you uploader-san for uploading this<3
Finally!!! Someone who shares my undying love for this manga!!! I reread this and the sequel soooo much!!!