Wow! Rudiger coined the sexiest guy ever to pull his glove off with his teeth. We all swooned. Over a week ago (damn, can’t remember the name of the story now) another ml did it……and I called him out on it, of course, and now Kardi did it. Yeah, y’all. This story is dragging right now so this is all that I focused on in this chapter, lol

Don’t care what anyone says…..I love this story. I’ve got no problem with everything coming out now. Rushed? Not to me. As soon as the author (in story) did the rumors… came out naturally. I don’t see fl forgiving her father. Overall, this has been a good one for me. And anyone who thinks children should pay for the sins of their parents, screw you.

I’m really enjoying this story. I’m just wondering why the fl and ml are drawn like teenagers. I know the artist is capable of drawing mature men and women because the rest of the cast looks their age. It doesn’t take away from the story, but every single time I see either one of them it’s something I notice first before reading the dialogue

Hattiert created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

I regrettably read the to trashy translation Ch 105, 106. So, it seems we have three time lines for Judith’s soul.

First, a Korean girl who lived a long ordinary life and died of old age.
Second, reincarnated and born as Judith in this world, with no memories of previous life
Third, regressed in time as adult Judith after dying violently in second timeline
Could it be the trauma that caused her to remember her first life wrong? We all saw her memory of getting hit and killed by a car.

She thought she transmigrated into her favorite revenge novel. Now, after being shot, she remembers that the car almost hit her and she went on to live a long ordinary life. We also know there was no novel. She just remembered everything in the third timeline up to the point that she died in the second timeline.

I’m guessing Luca had something to do with both of them regressing, but he didn’t know she’d been reincarnated and apparently that brought back distorted memories of her first life? Then getting shot in the third timeline put everything in place.

I’m interested in knowing what others think of all this.

On Ch 102. I was behind 6 chapters. This was tough. I’m like OH….I have laundry to fold. Another couple of chapters…..I’ll clean the litterbox, etc. I needed breaks. Then to have that last chapter. After all that anxiety build up, I actually shed tears. Izek NOT ONCE lost faith in her. Whew……..what an emotional ride.

Hattiert created a topic of The Prince of Myolyeong

I’ve had the pleasure of binge reading this. I just finished chapter 102. I can count on one hand how many stories made me shed actual tears. This one did it twice. First was the emperor’s relationship with his empress. Second was the chapters I read about the emperor’s only surviving brother. That hit me so bad I have to quit reading this for the day.

When Doha was suspicious because he saw everything set up for two people he thought two people lived there, but no…….this man, just like his brother, the emperor, had one woman…..poor, blind and yet full of love of life. In both of their long lives, it took just one human to make them understand the value of living and loving and fitting everything into a short lifespan. The ending of that chapter made me cry happy tears.

Whew! This author is a genius. They covered beings who lived immortal lives, what most of us humans think would be fantastic, and showed how empty it could be. Some of them made it bearable by keeping themselves involved while others just plodded along waiting for the next life and the one prince whose depression was so severe he didn’t care if he died. The author also showed that because humans live such short lives, it’s important to strive every day for what happiness we can find.

I know this is long, but my final praise to the author is I’ve seldom come across this kind of character development that’s given at the right pace based perfectly on what has transpired in the story. Just amazing. Thank you.

Hattiert created a topic of The Prince of Myolyeong

I saw this as a recommendation in the comments of another story I’m reading. The comments here are great! Is there anything better than binging a story with over a hundred chapters?!? I’m excited Saturday is the only day of the week that I don’t have anywhere I have to go… yay!

I can’t believe how sad I am that this is complete. This has got to be my favorite story I’ve read here. Yes, I love many stories, but not like this one. I’ve never laughed out loud so much! This will be my special story and the first that I put in my notes to read again.

I saw a comment and would love a spoiler from novel readers. I’m posting the comment so don’t look if you don’t want to get potentially spoiled.

The comment said…….I bet the REAL Pina inside is freaking out. Please note I paraphrased. Anyway, WTF?!? That possibility never occurred to me. Novel people, is this true? Is the OG Pina really inside like Remilia was when Emi got there? I can’t believe this never crossed my mind.

Hattiert created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

At this point most of this isn’t spoilers, it might help some of those confused to understand. Please note I copied and pasted this from when this series first started. Something may be wrong, but I found it very informative on this awesome in-depth story.

Gaiona(Dragon God) had 3 beloved children. Prokreator(most beloved child and has the power to create, revert? Worlds), Ignis(Mikhail) and Janus(Ayisha). Ignis has a lover which he killed and for that Gaiona cursed him that he will always kill his lover's soul every lifetime. Janus(Ayisha) met ML and fell inlove and had a child. But their child had a sickness that made him suffer and because of that Janus gave him a mercy killing. Gaiona also gave Janus a curse in which she will always kill her child in any lifetime. Prokreator also had a curse and I can't remember the source of his curse but basically all 3 god child had a dark core.

OG Hades and OG Janus(Ayisha) had a child, and this is Abel. OG Hades found out the curse on OG Janus and went on to defeat Gaiona to free Janus(Ayisha). After OG Hades went to Dragon God, OG Hades got killed and OG Janus heartbroken and depressed with her child went to his brother Prokreator (not sure if she asked him to reset or create an alternate world) but basically Prokreator helps her create a world where present Hades and present Ayisha is in. And OG Janus with baby Abel hops in THAT alternate world and gives Abel to the present Hades and tells him to kill anyone who approaches him and claims that they can remember their past self. OG Janus thinks the only way she can break the curse is if once present Ayisha from the alternate world claims to remember her past life then present Hades will kill her then he and their technically biological child (Abel) can live. After Janus gave Abel to present Hades (also the reason why Abel and Hades is identical lol) she dies and gets reincarnated to Korea and then dies again BUT this time with the soul of OG Janus(Ayisha) reincarnates to the present Ayisha we have. At the beginning of the manhwa we have the present Ayisha in the alternate world waking up from her funeral because....(Explanation below)

Abella is Ignis's(Mikhail) lover and ofcourse was also killed by him. Abella reincarnated to the present Ayisha of the alternate world (Ayisha doesnt have Janus soul at this point because OG Janus soul is reading mangas in Korea lol) The present Mikhail succeded on killing Ayisha by giving her the pills which resulted to her death as seen at the beginning then, OG Janus died in Korea and was transferred to now empty body of Ayisha. Thats why she woke up from her funeral. So basically Mikhail succeded on killing his lover and was surprised she revived but not aware it's no longer Abella's soul. That's also the reason why Ayisha pointed out on the recent chapter that it was Abella's memory not hers because she still has the body's memories from the previous soul.

This is also the reason why Ayisha will have 2 cores, 1 dark and 1 light. Dark core coming from OG Janus soul and Light core coming from Abella's soul

It's also heartbreaking that Mikhail chose to kill Abella before he can fall inlove with her again as it will be harder to do so.

Bottomline is Abel is Hades and Ayisha's biological child from a different timeline.

Hattiert created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

My thanks to the author. We’ve been enjoying this amazing family and their day to day lives. In truth they are part of the Cold War which followed horrific wars. WWI and WWII and all the one on ones in between. That was a dose of reality that was needed to remember how shitty this stuff is. The higher ups move civilians like chess pieces, this includes soldiers. In the end, the civilians and soldiers of both sides lose and the higher up assholes either celebrate or lick their “wounds” and plan the next war.

Sorry everyone for such a depressing comment. This chapter felt like a necessary slap in the face. From here on out, I’ll enjoy the fun of this story, but remember what’s really happening.

Hattiert created a topic of Sigrid

Geez, everyone’s so pissy…..for good reasons. I’ve seen a few and they’re all valid. I get it, but this story is still great to me. I love the characters and the artwork. I have a feeling most of y’all will stick with it to the end, even if you get aggravated. We’ve invested too much.

I know people are thinking no way they can live thru that and it’s not realistic, but it’s happened many times in real life. That last bad earthquake in California there were some people who lived in a collapsed parking garage because the concrete fell on angles and created a space. Whenever rescuers pull people out of these areas that were virtually wiped out by an earthquake it’s because of the same thing. Why am I even saying this? Because, like many others, I need something to grasp for realism, lol.

We know Tia has to live, but I really hope Lord Ivan’s son makes it, too.

Does anyone think that maybe the dragon has plans for bringing the real Lehir back? He talked The Balance into giving him Lehir because Julius offered The Balance fake Lehir’s eternal suffering until his soul disappears, but it also took The Darkness, which wasn’t offered. ( Not sure I understand that part) The dragon said that was breaking the rules and would come back to affect The Balance, so he agreed…….I think I got that right. Anyway, why have that conversation in the story at all? It must mean something? Lol, maybe I’m hoping so much that I’m grasping at straws.

There’s definitely a higher power at work here. 500 years later the main villain and the young victims have all been brought back together. All of them with their memories. I’m really interested in finding out what’s up with Manon.

Awwww, Ch 109 is a repeat of 108. Please fix.

I’m not liking Medina’s selfish attitude right now. Oh! What if Pharren leaves me? What if he becomes an heir? Seriously? WTF? That poor broken old man lost everything. Shut himself up in despair. Pharren thinks he was abandoned, which is the reason for a lot of his hang ups. I thought Medina would be happy at the possibility that Pharren had a family that loved him, that this old man found the only family he had left. BUT NO! She’s being a selfish “what about me and my feelings, my mage, Pharren living here” bitch

Unbelievable! She cares more about herself than a traumatized grandfather and orphan. Makes me wonder if a new author took over. For the first time I find the fl to be a self serving hypocritical piece of crap. Sorry for the crudeness, but that threw me a bit.