Geez! I stopped at Ch 118 because the ENDMANGA group sucks ass. Way to ruin one of my favorite stories. Please delete your uploads. Waiting for something better. And for all you soapbox Karen’s who think I should appreciate crap TLs, cuz it’s free, eff off. There are translations and then there are advertisement hungry hacks who don’t give a damn about any of these stories we read. They hate them, they ruin them, the context, they tell the author their stories aren’t worth shit other than to grab people to their hack ridden sites.

Chapters 72-74 translations suck ass. I’ll stay at 71 for now.

Advice: Be grateful…you read this for free….you broke ass mf
Reply condensed: Not grateful for nonsensical gibberish
Additional reply to your childish name calling: You can fuck right off and have a nice day
Now, here’s some good advice, if you don’t like what you receive in kind, don’t dish it out. You’re welcome.

If you soooo grateful.... Go join the translation team n help them.. instead of ranting about "suck translation" u guys suck!! Just mere citizen who havent spend any penny for the author.. reading everything for free.. n yet demanding... Probably you dont have a single job.. im fking tired seeing every single manhwa ... Having few idiot toddlers yapping how bad the art, how bad the translation n etc.. its annoying... Can you guys commenting about.. the stories plots.. the characters traits... The scenes... The ML.. n yet you guys choose over a mere suck translation... Lmao...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ shhhhh onee san ni here...

And please dont make me viral the mangago to the twitter so this shit probably can get turn down for real... Coz you guys ungrateful why not we gave a taste.. i heard few artist/author mahwa... hunting the illegal website nowadays... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ well korean artist always like that.. i wont mind tho.. since my main is not manhwa but manga and anime (anime manga had their own website) (=・ω・=) i do remember few years ago about mangago got turn down btw... Awnn shucksss.. if you really want me went Twitter... Ops sorry X application... Probably uuuuu mangago and other websites wont be safe...
Are you sure you want me rage bait at X? Since most korean artist use X(twitter)... Remember mangago still in here coz people didnt reveal it to the artists ... Dont make me do that... Ungrateful brats...

Lmao. Are you so clueless that you think that’s a threat?!? Go for it! If you think some insignificant little toad like yourself is a voice that’s extra special over the millions on X who already do this….then you’re more pathetic than you sound. Thanks for the laugh though. It was a great way to start my day! This is my last reply to you. There’s nothing left to say and I shouldn’t have wasted my time responding to your ilk in the first place.

Don’t care what anyone says…..I love this story. I’ve got no problem with everything coming out now. Rushed? Not to me. As soon as the author (in story) did the rumors…..it came out naturally. I don’t see fl forgiving her father. Overall, this has been a good one for me. And anyone who thinks children should pay for the sins of their parents, screw you.

I’m really enjoying this story. I’m just wondering why the fl and ml are drawn like teenagers. I know the artist is capable of drawing mature men and women because the rest of the cast looks their age. It doesn’t take away from the story, but every single time I see either one of them it’s something I notice first before reading the dialogue

Teenagers? They look like Baby Head Elementary School kids on top of the body of an adult. Like look at the prince guy. Truly has a baby head on top of a Giga Chad body. It's creepy. Like, look at his dad, his dad looks like an adult and even has a chin. Well his own son looks like baby head bobbleheaded whatever that is. It's just on uncanny Valley on an anime level. And look at her! She hasn't changed at all. They just add boobies crazy really need to you know, sharpen the features, oval up the faces. Add a chin on Prince Charming whatever. Look at the king. He looks awesome and so you know that the artist knows how to draw adults. Why isn't he not doing that with the others?

Lol, yes I was being generous with saying teenagers. Your description is more on point. Look at the villain and the knights, too. They are normal looking men. The ladies and maids are normal looking adult women. Yep, the artist just stuck boobs on the fl and added leg extensions for the ml. Hopefully, I’ll open a chapter one day and they’ll look like grownups.
I’m going back to the Official Translations. Something seems off, which happens too many times with random TLs. Officials are on Ch 117. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.