Hattiert July 21, 2024 12:00 am

I saw this as a recommendation in the comments of another story I’m reading. The comments here are great! Is there anything better than binging a story with over a hundred chapters?!? I’m excited Saturday is the only day of the week that I don’t have anywhere I have to go…..so yay!

Hattiert July 19, 2024 7:01 pm

I can’t believe how sad I am that this is complete. This has got to be my favorite story I’ve read here. Yes, I love many stories, but not like this one. I’ve never laughed out loud so much! This will be my special story and the first that I put in my notes to read again.

Hattiert July 16, 2024 8:21 pm

I saw a comment and would love a spoiler from novel readers. I’m posting the comment so don’t look if you don’t want to get potentially spoiled.

The comment said…….I bet the REAL Pina inside is freaking out. Please note I paraphrased. Anyway, WTF?!? That possibility never occurred to me. Novel people, is this true? Is the OG Pina really inside like Remilia was when Emi got there? I can’t believe this never crossed my mind.

    Kek July 17, 2024 11:24 pm


    Yeah, similar to how Emi is still inside Remilia's subconscience, the real Pina can unfortunately see everything that the fake Pina is doing with her body. It is honestly so sad since she's a genuinely good person :(. She also hates her body so much because of all the disgusting things fake Pina did with it that when Remilia finds her later and asks if she wants to go back the real Pina says she wants to disappear forever. Anyway, Remilia manages to convince her to be born again as her child without her previous memories :). So everything ends well!

    Hattiert July 18, 2024 3:18 am
    SpoilerYeah, similar to how Emi is still inside Remilia's subconscience, the real Pina can unfortunately see everything that the fake Pina is doing with her body. It is honestly so sad since she's a genuinely g... Kek


    You’re right, that is so sad. Thank you so much! Especially for the good ending

    tracethingy July 22, 2024 3:43 pm
    SpoilerYeah, similar to how Emi is still inside Remilia's subconscience, the real Pina can unfortunately see everything that the fake Pina is doing with her body. It is honestly so sad since she's a genuinely g... Kek

    it's similar to the 24 hours villainess manga then, the og fl are still inside the body but can't do anything unless the fake one sleep

    Hattiert July 22, 2024 8:31 pm
    it's similar to the 24 hours villainess manga then, the og fl are still inside the body but can't do anything unless the fake one sleep tracethingy

    That sounds interesting. Is it good? I did a search, is it titled The 24 Hour Resurrection of the Villainous?

Hattiert July 13, 2024 10:22 pm

At this point most of this isn’t spoilers, it might help some of those confused to understand. Please note I copied and pasted this from when this series first started. Something may be wrong, but I found it very informative on this awesome in-depth story.

Gaiona(Dragon God) had 3 beloved children. Prokreator(most beloved child and has the power to create, revert? Worlds), Ignis(Mikhail) and Janus(Ayisha). Ignis has a lover which he killed and for that Gaiona cursed him that he will always kill his lover's soul every lifetime. Janus(Ayisha) met ML and fell inlove and had a child. But their child had a sickness that made him suffer and because of that Janus gave him a mercy killing. Gaiona also gave Janus a curse in which she will always kill her child in any lifetime. Prokreator also had a curse and I can't remember the source of his curse but basically all 3 god child had a dark core.

OG Hades and OG Janus(Ayisha) had a child, and this is Abel. OG Hades found out the curse on OG Janus and went on to defeat Gaiona to free Janus(Ayisha). After OG Hades went to Dragon God, OG Hades got killed and OG Janus heartbroken and depressed with her child went to his brother Prokreator (not sure if she asked him to reset or create an alternate world) but basically Prokreator helps her create a world where present Hades and present Ayisha is in. And OG Janus with baby Abel hops in THAT alternate world and gives Abel to the present Hades and tells him to kill anyone who approaches him and claims that they can remember their past self. OG Janus thinks the only way she can break the curse is if once present Ayisha from the alternate world claims to remember her past life then present Hades will kill her then he and their technically biological child (Abel) can live. After Janus gave Abel to present Hades (also the reason why Abel and Hades is identical lol) she dies and gets reincarnated to Korea and then dies again BUT this time with the soul of OG Janus(Ayisha) reincarnates to the present Ayisha we have. At the beginning of the manhwa we have the present Ayisha in the alternate world waking up from her funeral because....(Explanation below)

Abella is Ignis's(Mikhail) lover and ofcourse was also killed by him. Abella reincarnated to the present Ayisha of the alternate world (Ayisha doesnt have Janus soul at this point because OG Janus soul is reading mangas in Korea lol) The present Mikhail succeded on killing Ayisha by giving her the pills which resulted to her death as seen at the beginning then, OG Janus died in Korea and was transferred to now empty body of Ayisha. Thats why she woke up from her funeral. So basically Mikhail succeded on killing his lover and was surprised she revived but not aware it's no longer Abella's soul. That's also the reason why Ayisha pointed out on the recent chapter that it was Abella's memory not hers because she still has the body's memories from the previous soul.

This is also the reason why Ayisha will have 2 cores, 1 dark and 1 light. Dark core coming from OG Janus soul and Light core coming from Abella's soul

It's also heartbreaking that Mikhail chose to kill Abella before he can fall inlove with her again as it will be harder to do so.

Bottomline is Abel is Hades and Ayisha's biological child from a different timeline.

    Hattiert July 13, 2024 10:25 pm

    As you can see, this story is incredibly complicated. I’m going to put it on my private list to read again once it’s completed.

Hattiert July 13, 2024 8:42 pm

My thanks to the author. We’ve been enjoying this amazing family and their day to day lives. In truth they are part of the Cold War which followed horrific wars. WWI and WWII and all the one on ones in between. That was a dose of reality that was needed to remember how shitty this stuff is. The higher ups move civilians like chess pieces, this includes soldiers. In the end, the civilians and soldiers of both sides lose and the higher up assholes either celebrate or lick their “wounds” and plan the next war.

Sorry everyone for such a depressing comment. This chapter felt like a necessary slap in the face. From here on out, I’ll enjoy the fun of this story, but remember what’s really happening.

    Ayakashi Amori July 21, 2024 5:32 pm

    I think it is very important to talk about it because of the time we live in

    Hattiert July 21, 2024 9:50 pm
    I think it is very important to talk about it because of the time we live in Ayakashi Amori

    It’s infuriating. We have 7.5 billion people in this world. We allow about less than 1% of that population control all of us…..every country is the same. The so called world leaders. They better watch out. If that day comes and the entire population of any given country decides they’ve had enough it’ll be over for them, the jackass leaders. Don’t forget, military is made up of the children of these populations. It’s only appointed military leaders who “run” things, in other words, lapdogs. The military will side with the people if the people have the courage to see it thru.

    Again, sorry for being angry. I’m so tired of the hate, but then I realized it’s all driven by politicians and their paid media puppets. I belong to forums where people from all over the world discuss these issues. We are all the same.

    Ayakashi Amori July 21, 2024 10:22 pm
    It’s infuriating. We have 7.5 billion people in this world. We allow about less than 1% of that population control all of us…..every country is the same. The so called world leaders. They better watch out. ... Hattiert

    I understand your anger, because it is frustrating, but sadly something so obvious isn't so simple to do, even common people and soldiers have their own interests that prevent them from doing that, even when the answer is obvious the implementation of the solution is the hardest part, because people in the era of capitalism can't seem to see a bigger picture, but still we all should try our hardest to make an earth a better place to live on, not only for ourselves but for everyone around us as well :)

    Hattiert July 22, 2024 12:43 am
    I understand your anger, because it is frustrating, but sadly something so obvious isn't so simple to do, even common people and soldiers have their own interests that prevent them from doing that, even when th... Ayakashi Amori

    I actually think capitalism is a good thing. It’s simply been abused by political contributors. Capitalism is what has allowed individuals to succeed by their own merit with nothing to hold them back. Rich, poor, black, white and everyone in between. You get what you work for. Blood, sweat and tears. You put in, you earn. That’s capitalism. We all benefit from it. I applaud it. I know it’s not simple, but they (ALL WORLD LEADERS) are pushing people in a corner. It’s going to explode.

    Do you know an inventor, yes capitalism, made a product out of mushrooms that could take the place of plastic containers of eggs, drink holders etc. completely biodegradable He disappeared. And why do all these tree huggers….yeah, I said it, waste their damned time on stupid stuff like saving the polar bears based on questionable science when they could do stuff everyone will participate in like getting rid of the plastic grocery bags?!? Everyone jumps on the I HATE SLAVERY bandwagon, well take a look at the lithium mines. Children and adult slaves mining. Why are we still using lithium. Why doesn’t our media show this.

    Everything is made in China…..for fuck’s sake, look at the work conditions. It’s deplorable. But, hey, nothing to see here folks. As long as we get our cheap clothing and all the other crap we want, why question it. My point is, capitalism is good. That’s where amazing people with amazing ideas no matter what class, race, country or culture….you get what you give. We, as a society, ignore the things we don’t want to recognize. However, I feel that this is ending because we’re all being pushed in a corner. I hope so, because I’m fed up with government and ready to fight back.

    Lol, we should probably end this here. I feel bad for everyone just trying to get insight to this great story without political conversation. Thank you so much for your input. I found it very valuable and gives me cause to think. I appreciate it

    Ayakashi Amori July 22, 2024 7:15 am
    I actually think capitalism is a good thing. It’s simply been abused by political contributors. Capitalism is what has allowed individuals to succeed by their own merit with nothing to hold them back. Rich, p... Hattiert

    Aww but it's so nice to talk to you, so for the end of discussion I will just say that I'm all in for free market for individuals to thrive in, but sadly as we can see monopols of big companies take all of that diversity and suck off the life out of it, by buying off anyone that can be a future competition, or buying of the political elites to stop changing of the law for their benefits. I think we should look on all systems that humans used for all this years and take the best parts to try improve system we live in.
    One more it was so nice to talk with you :)

    Hattiert July 22, 2024 11:35 am
    Aww but it's so nice to talk to you, so for the end of discussion I will just say that I'm all in for free market for individuals to thrive in, but sadly as we can see monopols of big companies take all of that... Ayakashi Amori

    Yes, it seems every decent system we have eventually gets abused by greedy people trying to work around it or take advantage of it. It’s an endless cycle. It was nice talking to you, too. Keep the faith. Humans screw up a lot, but that’s how we eventually get it right.

Hattiert July 13, 2024 2:41 am

Geez, everyone’s so pissy…..for good reasons. I’ve seen a few and they’re all valid. I get it, but this story is still great to me. I love the characters and the artwork. I have a feeling most of y’all will stick with it to the end, even if you get aggravated. We’ve invested too much.

Hattiert July 12, 2024 7:58 pm

I know people are thinking no way they can live thru that and it’s not realistic, but it’s happened many times in real life. That last bad earthquake in California there were some people who lived in a collapsed parking garage because the concrete fell on angles and created a space. Whenever rescuers pull people out of these areas that were virtually wiped out by an earthquake it’s because of the same thing. Why am I even saying this? Because, like many others, I need something to grasp for realism, lol.

We know Tia has to live, but I really hope Lord Ivan’s son makes it, too.

Hattiert July 10, 2024 5:47 pm

Does anyone think that maybe the dragon has plans for bringing the real Lehir back? He talked The Balance into giving him Lehir because Julius offered The Balance fake Lehir’s eternal suffering until his soul disappears, but it also took The Darkness, which wasn’t offered. ( Not sure I understand that part) The dragon said that was breaking the rules and would come back to affect The Balance, so he agreed…….I think I got that right. Anyway, why have that conversation in the story at all? It must mean something? Lol, maybe I’m hoping so much that I’m grasping at straws.

    koi July 13, 2024 5:03 am

    i hope so, i really wanna see the actual lehir

Hattiert July 8, 2024 9:34 pm

There’s definitely a higher power at work here. 500 years later the main villain and the young victims have all been brought back together. All of them with their memories. I’m really interested in finding out what’s up with Manon.

Hattiert July 7, 2024 4:04 pm

Awwww, Ch 109 is a repeat of 108. Please fix.

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