this its maybe the only threesome storyline that i read where the three caracthers in the relationship really love each other entirelly... the other few that i read till now always had this one caracther that just bond the other two toghether, but the other two didnt had feelings for each other, or even hate or feel jealousy for each other... its really refreshing... the best of everything its that they all appear to be reversible in the sexual field, that really show how much crazy in love they are...
what a pure story in a very fuked up way man...

im gonna play the insensitive card here and say that the only thing that made me sad about siwon's death was that he died in that piece of beutiful body that taemin has, i was hoping for him to return ro his body at some point but, maaaan what a waste! such a muscular beautiful piece of art that body was T-T
im not sad for siwon's soul, i prefer him dead that suffering that hell of life he was living on, at least taemin its strong in body and mind, the poor siwon was to good for this earth, i hope everyone, brother included, just end up in a worst state that siwon, korean authors always portrait the trashies human beings ever, like man~ they all deserve to burn in hell.

I understand your point but I felt si won needed someone in his life that could show him how to be strong, just like the case with tae min and woojin. Si won didn't deserve to die. What he deserve was someone who cared. He only gave up because their was no one who cared whether he lived or died. He gave up because he wanted to die. ( ̄へ ̄)

i was curious so i was looking for the original raws and it was listed on baka updates that the story its completed and there are some side stories that are ongoing... so the 82 its the final of the main couple? if its like that its pretty sad, i see the raws and i feel they could give us more relationship and sweet moments, because it was all dramaaaa and more dramaaa.... and i want to know what are they gonna do when they enter university :'( i hope someone could answer me...

See, that's my feeling too, though I am holding out hope it isn't because it leaves many strings hanging with the other couples. I can picture Jaerim taking part time jobs for Yuri as he goes to university first on scholarship, coming out to his family, and maybe the two of them eventually reaching a point where the relationship doesn't hurt anymore. I also want to see Dunno's relationship become crystal clear. I want Aerak to admit he was the fat kid his lover scorned and change his vain perspective of people. There is just so much potential still here.

now im here asking myself if Law its a bad guy or not.... he's such and ambiguous characther but, i dont find this story that confusing because i get most of the mystery in the last chapter... i still believe that law isnt a bad guy, or at least, not as bad as jesse, both seem realy twisted for me jajajja love this freaking story!

if you dont understand why tetsuya its the uke, you need to read all the rest mangas of beriko sensei till now.. he's into old (sometimes), masculine, very dominant and straight forward ukes, she doesnt care about appereance, in fact, she seems to like tall ukes, and all her semes are big eyed ones with more "feminne" features... shes very open too, so most of her "semes" are ok with being bottom if they patner wants to, what i like a lot... just put aside clich'es with beriko sensei, she likes to break them all... and that's why i love her...

I read the spanish version, and this is what it happens...
So, basically, Jesse C Brown exist, and Law Chester exist, but they are not a Young master an his servant, They are both the co-creators of MORITAT.
MORITAT its a alternetive reallity created inside the brain, that, dont erase your memory, but allow you to create a hole new fake reality that you feel as real. Jesse decide to take the test of this machine by himself, but law insist that he wants to be a part of it too, so jesse finally give up and let him be.
They both take the test, but only Jesse doesnt remember that he is inside a fake reality, but Law remembers, thats why he burns himself with cigarettes every time he wakes up, to remember himself that whats his living at that moment isnt real because the cigarettes burns dont hurt at all... thats why jesse cant feel the taste of the cigarettes, food, or dont need to cut his nails or hair, and thats why all the people inside that house are, well, like puppets, they are not real... or at least, not in that reality.
Finally Jesse wake up in a room with the blond servant as his nurse ans two wires atached to his neck, he remembers his name, who he is, and what its MORITAT, and then Law enters the room and say; so, you woke up?... and thats all..
this is the final of the first season of this manhwa so, i guess the next its the explanation of why they create moritat, how, and why they have all that nightmares in between... ah, and of course, know if jesse and law are really in love, or if law its really a bad guy (i dont think so) ...
sorry for the bad grammar in advance :3

Thank you so much ^^, I've been so confused about what's really going on :v

i knowww i was diying, hopefully I look out the spanish translation (its my 1st lenguage but i preffer to read in english, dont know why lol) and i found it!
on the other hand, the name of the manhwa its actually inspired in a song
and based on the lyrics i understand now why the knife in the cover and at the beginning of the manhwa... just a little detail more :p

i cant assure you anything because the end of the chapther was really open and they dont give that much information abou what really moritat does... but for what i understand its that nothing of that was true: not the kidnapping, the died parents, the torturing, the video, etc... the only true its that jesse and Law created Moritat togheter, nothing more.
MORITAT allow you to create virtual realities that feel more real than a dream but that are basically dreams, you can enter multiple realities, so what i get if that the nightmares are yuxtapositions of another realities that jesse created in the past, because in one part Law say that the directors (meaning he & jesse, because they are trying the machine) has to create some kind of shock that make sure that, after reciving that shock you are able to wake up and dont get trapped in that reality for eternity (like a coma) so what i asummed its that jesse didnt recive that shock before in the other 'realities', so, he start the reallities over and over again, but with him in differents states of minds creating differents endings, thats why at one point law said 'Im getting tired of this' implying that wasnt the first time jesse didnt wake up from a relity until, so to fix it, he push him from a balcony and the jesse 'die' only to wake up in that room...
thats what i can conclude, i hope i make some point clear... but like i said im not 100% sure.

thanks! even i cannot understand spanish but i understand the biggest pictures hahaha
and i found this https://www.facebook.com/1573019616276681/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1797567280488579 (totally OOT from moritat XD) hope get the english translation
welll uke-san sleep with baker san because he resembles somehow his abusive ex, and baker san is doing the same, uke san resembles his long haired ex, thats why he bacame so upset when uke san cuts his hair... thats messep up man, at this point neither of them really love each other :/
I hope at some point they do...
that was some info. I couldn't understand anything from just by watching the images :P